There's that old saying, known among most homeowners, that "if you take care of your house, it will take care of you."
Then there's another saying, known among roofing professionals, that "roofing inspections and repairs are best left to the experts who know exactly what they're doing" – especially while navigating the unfriendly terrain of a roof.
If you're experiencing roofing problems, you can reconcile both sayings by teaming up with First Quality Roofing & Insulation on your next roof inspection. Your role: grabbing a pair of binoculars and inspecting your roof while you maintaining your sure footing on the ground. If you cannot resist a closer vantage point, climb up on a ladder or inspect your roof from a nearby window (though we don’t recommend hanging out of the window to look!). Our role: conducting the up-close, thorough inspection of your roof. We'll not only identify and explain the nature of your roofing problems, we'll fix them promptly and with precision, too.

Look through your binoculars
Train your binoculars on three roof elements in particular: the flashings – the important metal or steel weatherproofing pieces that cover the edges and curves of your roof – the shingles and the gutters.
The flashings
- Look for bent, damaged or missing flashings around the chimney, pipes, any dormer windows, skylights and other openings. Many roofing problems – and water seepage problems – can be traced to missing flashings, which First Quality can replace.
- Look further to ensure that the flashings are smooth and intact; they should not be curled, cracked or riddled with rust, which signify the early signs of decay.
The shingles
- Look for shingles that are covered with moss. While uncommon in Las Vegas, moss is a consequence of poor water drainage. Roofing problems like this one are best left to First Quality.
- Look for missing shingles; they should stand out, especially around antennas or cables. Then look for shingles that are either broken, buckled, cracked or curled. These shingles should be replaced.
- If the number of missing or damaged shingles starts to add up, it might be time for a replacement. First Quality can help you decide whether it's the most economical choice, especially because most shingled roofs last about 15 years.
The gutters
- Look inside the gutters. A buildup of shingle granules or grit is a sure sign that your shingles are deteriorating. Since this condition also can impede the flow of water, make a note for First Quality to hose out this debris.
- Look for pooled water. First Quality can remedy this situation by adjusting the slope of your gutters to ensure proper drainage.
Before you even wipe the lens of your binoculars, prepare yourself to find something on your roof that seems troubling or suspicious. And remember that it probably looks worse than the solution that will solve it – at least when you team up with the roofing experts at First Quality Roofing & Insulation.