Are you one of those who love the idea of solar panels for energy efficiency, but think the panels are an eyesore? Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, is looking to change your mind – and the minds of many other people who think the same way. Musk recently announced his company’s plans to create attractive Solar Roof tiles that would cost about the same or even less than a regular roof. The tiles, made of glass over a photovoltaic substrate, are being designed to generate electricity, last longer, and look better than a normal roof.

Aesthetically Pleasing Styles
The solar tiles take the place of traditional roofing materials and will come in four styles: smooth glass, textured, Tuscan glass, and slate glass. That’s a big change from the standard aftermarket solar panels most people are familiar with. Tesla promises that not only will the tiles look like the real thing from the ground, they’ll also offer better insulation. While most people like the idea of combining energy savings and good looks, most roofing experts agree that the pricing must be right if people are going to embrace the new tiles.
The Bottom Line
Tesla hasn’t provided specifics on pricing, but based on similar materials, some pros are estimating a price tag in the $75,000 ballpark – competitive with an asphalt roof when you factor in the “free” electricity and expected 30-year lifespan. Of course, where your home is located, and the shape and height of its roof, all need to be taken into consideration. There will most likely be rebates and incentives available as well, bringing down the cost.
Putting it Together
The Tesla Solar Roof tiles are just a part of Musk’s overall clean-energy ambitions. He dreams of future homes powered by solar tiles, where electric cars are parked out front within reach of the Powerwall storage batteries. As for when the tiles will be rolled out? Musk says sometime in the summer of 2017. He predicts that within two years, his solar tiles could account for 5% of the five million roofs installed every year. The company also plans to manufacture surface-mounted solar panels for those homeowners who do not want to replace an existing roof. There are still a lot of details to be hammered out, but there’s already a lot of interest from consumers who look forward to the product’s release.
At First Quality Roofing & Insulation, we stay up-to-date with industry news and information, as well as training. Contact us today at 702-262-7847 to learn more about your options for roofing in Las Vegas.