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Las Vegas Home Safety: 6 Tips to Discourage Thieves and Prevent Burglaries

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Nov 22, 2016 2:43:35 PM


Burglary is one of the most prevalent property crimes in the United States, and can be quite costly for homeowners, not only due the items stolen, but also the damage caused during the process. Many burglaries happen during the daylight hours, while the home's occupants are at work or at school, and they are often not pre-planned, being, instead, targets of opportunity. By making a few simple changes to your house and your routine, you can make your home less of a target. Get started with these Las Vegas home Safety tips:

Secure Your Windows and Doors

In up to 30 percent of burglaries, the perpetrators enter through an open door or window. When you leave your home, make sure that all your doors and windows are securely locked, and do not hide extra keys outside. Do not forget to lock the interior and exterior garage doors, as well. To improve the security of your doors and windows, consider adding sash pins to double-hung windows and installing reinforcing plates in the jambs of your entry doors.

Install Double-Pane Windows

Breaking a window to get into a home can be loud and may be a burglar's last resort. With single-pane windows, there is only one layer of glass to break, while double-pane windows have two layers, making them harder to break and more likely to attract attention. Additionally, they will help reduce noise and save energy in your home, especially when combined with quality insulation.

Avoid Advertising Your Home's Contents

If thieves can easily tell that there are high-value items in your home, they will be more likely to risk breaking in. When you leave your home, be sure to close your blinds, curtains or shades, especially on ground-floor windows, to make it harder to determine what is in your house. When you receive purchase or receive expensive items as gifts, such as televisions or computers, dispose of the packages carefully, instead of leaving them at the curb on trash day.

Don't Let Mail Accumulate

When you go out of town, have friends or family members collect newspapers, mail and packages to prevent alerting thieves to your absence. Also, have them water your plants, take out the garbage and other routine items.

Turn On the Radio

When you leave for the day, turn on a radio or television to make it seem like someone is home. If you work at night, leave some lights on, or use a timer to turn them on and off.

Install A Security System

One of the best ways to improve Las Vegas home safety is to install a security system. Today's modern systems often include security cameras and can also monitor you home for fire and other problems. Even the presence of security system stickers will often deter thieves.

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