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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Regular Home Maintenance Prevents Costly Repairs and Damage

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on May 17, 2016 9:50:18 AM


As a homeowner, you have many maintenance tasks to keep track of. If something’s working fine, it’s easy to ignore it and assume that nothing needs checking or fixing. But regular checks and maintenance can help you catch a problem before it’s able to cause extensive – and costly – damage.

The following three Las Vegas home maintenance tasks should be performed annually:

Have your roof inspected

Your roof protects your entire home, and if damage is allowed to progress, you could end up with leaks, mold, and even foundation damage.

Many types of damage aren’t visible from the ground or if you don’t know exactly what to look for. A professional roof inspector can detect the following:

  • Damage to tiles, shingles, or other roofing material
  • Drainage issues
  • Damaged or blocked gutters
  • Bent, damaged, or missing flashing (metal pieces that cover curves and edges of your roof)
  • Signs of issues in the attic, such as water damage

After any problems are identified, you can have them fixed before they get worse.

Check the condition of your washing machine’s hose

A broken washing machine hose can quickly send water flowing into your home, causing damage to your flooring and furnishings. Checking them once a year can help you avoid this type of disaster.

A washing machine has two hoses that connect to the hot and cold water faucets. Over time, they can become worn and damaged. Check for visible indications of trouble, such as a small blister or crack. Also touch the hoses to make sure they don’t feel brittle. If they do, they need to be replaced immediately.

Have your water heater flushed

Having your water heater flushed once a year will help keep it working at peak efficiency, which helps save money on your energy bill and avoid costly repairs. It’s often compared to having the oil changed in your car.

Over time, sediment and minerals build up in your water heater, usually at the bottom. This insulates the tank’s water from the flame below, making it work harder to heat your water.

A yearly flush is recommended even for tankless heaters, because the interior parts and pipes still need to be cleaned and maintained.

For a full list of what you should regularly check in your home, download First Quality Roofing & Insulation’s Las Vegas home maintenance guide, or import it directly into your calendar on your device.

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