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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Selecting Roofing Materials for Long-Lasting Performance

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jul 26, 2023 5:31:41 AM

Is it time to replace the roof at your Las Vegas area home or business? Are you confused about which roofing materials will provide you with good looks and long-lasting performance? From traditional asphalt shingles to metal roofing, wood shakes, and synthetics, the variety seems endless.

The roofing specialists at First Quality Roofing can help you choose the residential or commercial roofing material that meets your energy efficiency, aesthetics, durability, and maintenance preferences. Our more than two decades of industry experience make us the perfect choice for guiding you through the material selection process.

Roofing Material Considerations for Residential Roofing

Choosing the right roof means considering many factors, including your home’s architectural style and:

  • Climate. Las Vegas’ hot desert conditions make it essential to choose a roofing material that is heat and UV-resistant, durable, and energy-efficient. Reflective asphalt shingles, concrete tiles, and other materials that reduce heat absorption are your best choice.
  • Maintenance requirements. While the region’s relatively dry climate means there’s less risk of algae, moss, or fungal growth, maintenance varies from material to material. For instance, asphalt shingles need routine inspections for loose, damaged, or missing shingles, and slate roofs need periodic resealing.
  • Energy efficiency. “Cool roofs” with ENERGY STAR® certification are ideal for keeping energy use and costs down in hot climates. Shingle roofs with reflective granules reduce heat absorption, and metal roofs with special coatings are good at reflecting sunlight.
  • Longevity. Residential roofing materials vary in lifespan and resistance to weathering, UV rays, and pests. For example, asphalt shingles typically last 20 to 30 years, while metal roofs can last from 40 to 70 years, offering superior durability and resistance to these factors.

Our roofing experts know what questions to ask to determine which roofing material is most suitable for your Las Vegas area home. They’re skilled at discussing different materials’ popularity, affordability, durability, and longevity and can provide valuable insights into how each one performs against factors like weathering, UV rays, and pests.

Commercial Roofing Material Considerations

One of the most critical factors to consider when choosing a commercial roofing material is the building’s structure and load-bearing capability. Other factors include:

  1. Foot traffic
  2. Maintenance access
  3. Fire resistance
  4. Energy efficiency
  5. Sustainability goals like high thermal performance
  6. Cost considerations, including installation and long-term maintenance.

Popular commercial roofing materials include:

  • PVC or thermoplastic roofing is durable, energy-efficient, and easy to install. It’s a common choice for shopping malls, convention centers, and sports stadiums but it is also an excellent choice for smaller commercial structures.
  • Metal roofing is low-maintenance, versatile, and long-lasting.
  • EPDB roofing is a durable and versatile membrane material made from synthetic rubber. It withstands extreme weather conditions like high temperatures and is resistant to cracking, tearing, and impact damage, ensuring lost-lasting performance.

Get Guidance on Selecting Roofing Material for Your Las Vegas Home or Business

With their extensive knowledge and commitment to customer satisfaction, the experienced residential and commercial roofing pros at First Quality Roofing can expertly guide you through the roofing materials selection process. We’ll ensure you choose a material that meets your specific needs and goals and has the features and properties that guarantee years of durability and performance longevity.

Contact us online or call 702.262.7847 to schedule a roofing materials consultation today.

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