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Roofing Professionals

Ask A Roofing Company: What Are Drip Edge Gutters and Why Do You Need Them?

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jun 27, 2018 10:09:00 AM


The drip edge is a small piece that plays a big role in protecting your roof and home from water damage. Despite how important it is, many times, a roofing company will leave the drip edge off when installing a new roof. While this may save you money during the initial install, it is definitely not worth it in the long run. In this article, First Quality Roofing & Insulation will discuss drip edges are and why you definitely need them when getting a new roof.

What are Drip Edge Gutters?

A drip edge is a small strip of metal that is installed along the edge of the roof. It is placed directly under the shingles and hangs down into the gutter. The drip edge functions like a bridge from the shingle to the gutter. Because the metal is non-porous, it acts a shield between water and your roof, protecting it against water damage and prolonging the life of your new roof.

Common “Shortcuts” – and Why They Don’t Work

Many roofing companies will not install drip edge gutters. By skipping this important step, they save time and money – which allows them to offer a more attractive price to their customers. Many customers do not know about drip edge gutters, so the lower price quoted by the roofing company seems like a good deal. Unfortunately, these savings come at a price - they leave your roof at risk of extensive water damage that can affect the home's exterior and interior. These repairs usually end up being very expensive.

Sometimes roofing companies install the gutters as usual, simply leaving off the drip edge. Others will use “shortcuts” that are intended to eliminate the need of the drip edge. Typically, gutters are installed so the straight side of the gutter lines up with the edge of the shingles. Some roofing companies install the gutters a few inches below the edge of the roof, allowing the water to run off the roof into the middle of the gutter. Not only does this look odd aesthetically, it also makes it more likely that the gutters will pull away from the house, especially during heavy rain storms or if the gutter becomes clogged.

Another commonly used “shortcut” is to have the shingle hang farther over the edge of the roof. While shingles are intended to be installed with a bit of overhang, this is supposed to be a very small amount – usually ¼ to 3/8 inch. Sometimes a roofing company will increase this overhang to an inch or more. This excess is placed in the gutter to directly take the water where it needs to go. The problem is that the shingle can absorb the water, drawing it towards the roof like a straw.

At First Quality Roofing & Insulation, we never cut corners. Our experienced and professional roofing company always provides the highest level of customer service. Contact us today at 702-262-7847 to schedule your free estimate for our roof repair and replacement services.

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Topics: education, roofing company in Las Vegas, las vegas roofing, roof problems, roof damage, roof materials

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