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Roofing Professionals

Check out these Benefits of Blowing Insulation In Attic In Las Vegas

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jun 13, 2016 2:24:02 PM


Homeowners today have an exciting variety of energy-saving home improvement options available to them. There's solar panel water heaters and the latest and greatest Energy Star air conditioners. But do you know that if you really want to save money on energy costs and enjoy a more comfortable home, one of the most effective things you can do is have a professional blowing insulation in attic in Las Vegas?

Just check out these exciting advantages behind blowing insulation in attic in Las Vegas:

  • Save money in winter and summer.  The word 'insulation' and it's root word 'insulate' hardens images of being swaddled, wrapped up, or otherwise enveloped for keep heat in. But insulation is designed to prevent against any heat flow, making it just as effective for keeping heat outside during summer as it is in keeping heat inside during winter.
  • Lower your AC operating costs.  In significantly reducing the amount of heat that enters your home, blown-in insulation reduces the amount of time your AC has to turn on to re-cool your home to lower your overall energy usage.
  • The less your AC runs, the longer its lifespan.  Every appliance, tool, and piece of equipment has an operating lifespan. When you reduce how often your AC has to turn on (and how long it has to run when it does turn on), you extend its lifespan and prevent costly premature repairs and replacements.
  • Enjoy quick installation.  Unlike other insulation types, blowing insulation in attic in Las Vegas is a very quick and easy install. Generally it'll only take on or two installers a couple of hours to do a thorough installation. Such time-saving lends to blow-in insulation have a much lower cost.
  • Prevent moisture intrusion and its resulting mold growth.  One topic that frequently gets overlooked with insulation is the potential for moisture to infiltrate porous types of insulation and those without proper preventions against thermal bridging. While most insulation types are effective at preventing against thermal (heat) transfer, when the wind blows it forces air and moisture through the various cracks and gaps in your home (the average 2,5000 square-foot home has over half a mile of such). Even high R-value insulation is ineffective at blocking this transfer, with porous fiberglass batt insulation being notorious as soaking in the moisture that occurs in this scenario. This moisture gives way to mold growth that is detrimental to human health and the longevity of building materials. However, the composition of blowing insulation in attic in Las Vegas is impermeable to this effect; making it the much more desirable option. 

To learn more about the benefits of blowing insulation in attic in Las Vegas, contact us today at First Quality Roofing. As this insulating technique requires specialized machinery, it isn't often recommended as a homeowner-install. But because we own the right equipment and have the right skilled technicians, we can have your attic completely installed insulated cost-effectively and within a few hours.

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Topics: Insulation, education

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