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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Discover 6 Simple Storage Solutions When you Repurpose With Purpose

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jun 29, 2017 10:00:00 AM

Linguistics experts say you should bigstock--174183331.jpg“never say 'never,'” but in all the years First Quality Roofing & Insulation has been in business and all the Las Vegas houses we've worked in, we have never heard a homeowner say he or she has too much storage.

In fact, we often hear homeowners express a wish for more storage, making the best use of the space they have and by using items they already have on hand. It's called repurposing, and First Quality knows first-hand the value of this Las Vegas home improvement skill since we too, must organize the many tools of our trade in the trucks we dispatch to our customers' homes. Here are six simple storage solutions you'll want to put to good use today:

  1. Rinse and clean out 28-ounce glass pasta jars, remove the labels (they peel off easily after they're soaked in water) and attach the lids under a shelf in the garage with two screws. Devote one gadget per jar – nails, hooks, nuts, bolts and other small hardware – load up the jars and then screw them into place. You'll love their ample size and see-through appeal.

  2. You can find them in various shapes and sizes at home improvement stores (or from your favorite electrician) and in metal and plastic form, too: electrical junction boxes. Their open and boxy size make them the perfect complement to a lineup of repurposed pasta jars because you can reach right inside them and grab items such as tape measures, markers and small hand tools.

  3. If you have closet racks (from closet organizing systems) that are just taking up space, press them into duty in your kitchen cabinets to hold canned goods. Trim the length with a hacksaw and then mount screws (found in those converted pasta jars) to hold the racks in place. This Las Vegas home improvement will put all your canned goods on full display so you can assess your stash in a glance.

  4. Nobody likes to throw out plastic bags, but they can form a billowy heap in no time. Condense them and make them easy to reach by making a plastic bag dispenser from a 2-liter soda bottle. Cut off the top and bottom with a razor knife, trim the edges (so the bags won't tear when you pull them out) and attach the dispenser to a kitchen cabinet door or wall with screws or heavy-duty mounting tape.

  5. Finding storage room for large items is tricky enough. But if you'd like to tote those large items around the house and yard with you, you might think you're expecting too much. You won't be if your repurpose large laundry detergent jugs by cutting off the tops with a utility knife. The jugs are large, tough and, with a handle, ready to move with you.

  6. Shoe organizers can bring order to more than shoes. They can be hung anywhere to hold a bevy of items – from craft supplies in a hobby room to cleaning supplies in a laundry room.

    The pure fun of repurposing could lead you to look at all the objects in your home in a different way. As you search for another Las Vegas home improvement project, download First Quality's Ultimate Money Saving Guide. We know you should “never say 'never,'” but thrifty homeowners will never want to be without this helpful guide at their side.

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