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Roofing Professionals

Home Insulation in Las Vegas and Other Factors that Influence the Amount of Your Electric Bill

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Aug 17, 2016 8:30:00 AM


Five reasons your home electric bill might be higher than it should be, and how to combat those bills that make you feel sick to your stomach.

Opening your electric bill each month may feel like a moment of truth as you rip open the envelope or click on the email to see the amount that you owe. Of course there are always those months when you wonder how on earth your bill could possibly be as high as it is. Make note of the following factors, including home insulation in Las Vegas, that can effect not only the amount of your power bill, but also your comfort level in your home. 

Doggie Door

While a doggie door may seem like the perfect solution for letting your pup go in and out of the house, it can unfortunately increase the cost of your electric bill. As your dog makes his way through the flap, it can let warm air in / out. If a doggie door is a must, an energy efficient doggy door is definitely worth the extra expense.


Regardless of whether or not you’re actually using your appliances, if they are plugged in, they are consuming power. Consider unplugging your coffee maker, blender, and other appliances when they aren’t in use. Also, check for any damage to your appliances since faulty appliances can suck a lot power. For instance, a refrigerator or freezer with a bad seal can most definitely cause your electric bill to rise.


Older windows are often not very energy efficient, as many are single pane glass and are poorly sealed, creating drafts, and allowing warm air / or cool air to get in / escape your home. If your windows are old, it’s worth considering replacing them with new ones designed to save energy.


Good and effective home insulation in Las Vegas is key to having a lower electric bill. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that your walls and attic are properly insulated. Also, if your insulation is older, it isn’t always as effective. In addition, check the seals around your doors and windows. If they aren’t sealed properly, this will allow air to get in and out.

Direction in Which Home Faces

Believe it or not, the direction in which your home faces can affect the amount of your electric bill. Houses that face east / west will have sunlight coming into the home throughout the entire day. If your house faces in this direction, installing shade screens can help to keep the cost of your electric bill down. 

For additional information on how to keep the cost of your electric bill down with home insulation in Las Vegas inspection or attic insulation installation, don’t hesitate to contact us at First Quality Roofing & Insulation at 702-262-7847.

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Topics: Insulation, Home Maintenance, education, Las Vegas

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