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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Protect Your Family by Creating a Home Emergency Plan

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jun 21, 2017 5:07:19 PM

If you've ever visited a fire department bigstock--125818544.jpgwhen a call comes in – or even watched such a scene on TV – then you know how people move speedily, with purpose and precision. They don't flinch or even hesitate and the explanation can be found in one word: training.

When you're facing a home emergency, everyone becomes a first responder. While your family members won't have the advantage of repetition to hone their skills, they can be trained to cover the basics that could minimize damage to your home and maybe even save a life.

First: Emphasize Information

  • Complete a wallet-sized card with everyone's phone number. Your children may have you stored in their phone under “mom” or “dad,” but they should have your phone number when an emergency strikes.

  • Designate one go-to contact person to eliminate confusion and save valuable time in an emergency.

  • Place emergency and non-emergency phone numbers for your local police and fire departments in everyone's phones. Post these numbers in a prominent place, such as on the refrigerator.

Second: Emphasize Education

  • Convene a family meeting and – obviously without trying to scare younger children –  explain why it's important to pull together as a family when an emergency occurs.

  • Review the type of emergencies you may face, including a fire, flood and severe weather. Review a helpful list compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and learn the proper responses.

  • Enroll in Red Cross first aid and CPR training courses.

  • Show each family member how to turn off water, gas and electricity at the main switches.

  • Test smoke detectors and fire extinguishers and ensure everyone knows how to use the latter.

Third: Create an Action Plan

  • Identify the safest spots in your home to congregate during each type of emergency.

  • Decide who should grab pets.

  • Determine the best escape routes from your home. You should have two ways to exit each room, meaning you may have to purchase a ladder to prop next to second-story windows.

  • Select a safe meeting place to congregate outside your home.

  • Conduct a practice drill and underscore the importance of staying calm.

Fourth: Gather Emergency Supplies

Place everything you need in a large “go” bag – so you can grab it if you have to go out the door. A large duffel bag or backpack should contain:

  • A first aid kit (that includes family members' medications)

  • A three-day supply of water for each person

  • Non-perishable food

  • Battery-powered flashlights and a radio

  • Blankets

Now ou should be prepared if an emergency strikes

  • Attend to any injuries first.

  • Put on sturdy shoes and protective clothing.

  • If you suspect a gas leak or smell gas, turn off the gas at the main valve, open the windows and get everyone outside.

  • Turn on a radio or list for emergency alerts, which may advise you to evacuate.

  • Follow your action plan; it will serve you well.

Think of First Quality Roofing & Insulation as your “second responders” – the people you call in case a home emergency impairs your roof and you become worried about its veracity. We can help in other ways, too, including with our downloadable Home Maintenance Checklist. Read it and call First Quality if you have any questions – so we can help make your home as safe as it can be every day of the year. http://info.firstqualityroof.com/home-maintenance-

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