Everyone knows that people are prone to exaggeration, so how can you tell if someone has truly suffered a home “disaster”? Put their description of the event through a criterion sifter and ask yourself:
Was the event sudden or great in nature?
Would you classify it as a huge misfortune or failure?
Did it cause damage or hardship?
If so, then yes: that certain someone is not exaggerating in the slightest. He or she may have suffered one of five common home disasters, all of which you can avert in your own home with proaction and attention to Las Vegas home maintenance:
Turn off the water at the main water valve before leaving for the weekend and definitely the week. In this case, the disaster can emanate from virtually any water source in your home and begin with tiniest of leaks. Pipe bursts and damage from home flooding often mushroom into five-digit insurance claims, the Institute for Business & Home Safety says.
Test your sump every year, also to prevent flooding. Like air conditioners in the summer and furnaces in the fall, sump pumps usually falter when they're under the most stress. So don't be caught high and...dry, in this case. This Las Vegas home maintenance step requires you to simply pour one or two buckets of water into the sump and ensure that the pump responds. A backup sump pump for breakdowns and power outages will bring your disaster prevention plan full circle.
Plug your electronics into surge protectors to protect your equipment and data. Take it from people who have lost all their work files, household records, tax returns, family photos and thousands of other documents: Power outages, power surges and lightning strikes can create losses you may never fully recover from. To avert this multi-faceted disaster, purchase several premium surge protectors, which offer protection in units known as “joules.” The more joules, the better the protection. Between 200 and 400 joules is good; 600 is better; and 1,000 is better still.
Trim branches that hang over your home and driveway. If you can't reach them, hire a company that can. Either way, also target dying trees, which are especially prone to fall on houses, cars and worst of all, people, during heavy rain and wind storms. Tree trimming and cutting usually doesn't come cheap. But insurance companies can attest to the fact that spending several hundred dollars on this Las Vegas home maintenance job can spare catastrophic loss and keep you, your loved ones and your property safe.
Monitor cracks in your foundation and basement. Slight, hairline cracks are normal, but cracks that widen are a sign of impending trouble. Since cracks widen at a snail's pace, measure and record your findings every few months. And call a foundation specialist if you discover an alarming acceleration or an outbreak of new cracks. A shifting foundation can cause walls to crack, floors to tilt and windows and doors to jam. A relatively small fix now can save thousands of dollars later.
The commonality here is prevention. In a similar vein, The Home Maintenance Checklist, produced by First Quality Roofing & Insulation, can help you mitigate a bevy of problems and malfunctions. Download it, read it and call First Quality if you have any questions – so we can help you avert other home disasters.