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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Raise Your Home's Value, With Quality Attic Insulation in Las Vegas

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jul 19, 2016 12:00:00 AM


A well insulated home is comfortable, and efficient, saving money each month on the cost of energy—but did you know it can also increase your home's value? Whether or not a move is in your near future, every dollar you put in to your home adds to your investment. Some experts suggest increasing your equity by updating your kitchen, or adding curb appeal with new landscaping, but ensuring you have adequate attic insulation in Las Vegas is about more than just looks. As the old saying goes, it really is what's on the inside that counts. 

What Are Home Buyers Looking For? 

The Las Vegas real estate market is once again showing signs of life. In addition to a number of common elements home buyers look for, attic insulation in Las Vegas is at the top of list, preceded only by community safety. 

Today's buyer is more savvy than ever, and it's not just the baby boomers, who have felt the rise in energy costs, who are looking for energy efficient homes—millennials are asking all the right questions before buying, including:

  • What is the R-Value on attic insulation in Las Vegas?
  • Do the windows have low-E coatings?
  • Can I see the last two years worth of utility bills?

How Attic Insulation In Las Vegas Can Raise The Value Of Your Home 

The attic is the easiest place in your home to add insulation, and will provide the biggest return on your investment. Signs that your home would benefit from more attic insulation include:


  • Elevated heating costs. 
  • Some rooms are warm, while others remain cool. 


  • High cooling costs. 
  • Unable to reach or maintain desired level of coolness. 

The US Department of Energy has revised its standards for R-Value requirements over the years, from R-11 back in the 1950's, to R-49 for homes built today. If your home was constructed prior to the year 2000, or inferior insulation was used, attic insulation levels may be inadequate. Installing a layer of premium, blown in fiberglass insulation over existing material, will prevent heat gain or loss, and increase comfort levels. 

One of the most compelling reasons to add more attic insulation in Las Vegas, however, is to improve energy efficiency. A well insulated home prevents the transfer of heat between the attic and your living space, which results in heat loss in the winter, and heat gain in the summer.

In addition to the unnecessary strain on HVAC appliances, inadequate insulation can cause energy bills to soar. Bringing your R-Value up to code, increases the overall energy efficiency of your home, raising its value in the eyes of buyers, and providing a significant return on your investment. 

To learn more about the benefits of adding attic insulation in Las Vegas, or to schedule an appointment, contact First Quality Roofing & Insulation, today at 702.262.7847. 

home insulation quiz

Topics: Insulation, education, Las Vegas

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