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Roofing Professionals

Three Little Money Saving Tips for Saving Big

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Oct 31, 2016 1:15:30 PM

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"Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship." 

These wise words from Benjamin Franklin are as true today as they were when he spoke them more than a century ago.

Sadly, saving money these days is often easier said than done--especially when you can buy almost anything you want with the simple swipe across a smartphone screen.

But saving money is essential to creating a brighter financial future for yourself and your family. One of the most effective ways to begin building a nice-sized nest egg is to cut out the little expenses and then build toward bigger ideas. 

Here's a look at five simple money saving tips that can help you eliminate the little stuff and build a bigger savings account

1) Be your own barista

A "venti" medium roast coffee from one of the country's leading gourmet coffee shops will cost you about $2.45. If you buy one a day for a year, you're paying nearly $900 annually for coffee. 

But if you buy your coffee beans at the grocery store and brew it yourself at home, you can reduce your annual coffee-related costs by at least two-thirds. That's $600 a year, which is quite a tip for simply being your own barista. 

2) Make it burdensome to buy something

Never in the history of the world has it been so easy to buy something. Apps, online outlet stores and iTunes put literally allow you to buy anything at any time. 

And it's even easier if you register a credit or check card with the vendor; you don't even have to enter your information. 

But what if you made it more burdensome to buy something? What if you had to enter your billing information every time you wanted to make a purchase? You'd probably buy a lot less stuff and safe a lot more money. 

So go ahead, make it more burdensome to buy something. The savings can be significant. 

3) Cut coupons

This is one of those money saving tips that stands the test of time. It's so simple yet so effective that people have been using it for generations--and for good reason. 

Cutting coupons is an extremely effective way to save money, and there are coupons for just about everything. 

According to the market research firm Statista, companies issue more than 300 billion coupons to consumers each year. These coupons represent nearly $500 billion in potential savings, although only about $4 billion is every claimed.

But the point is, if you want to buy something, see if there's a coupon for it before you swipe your card. Chances are good you'll be able to find one--especially for items that turn into little expenses. 

Get more great money saving tips

Now that you've seen what's possible by following a few little money saving tips and, it is time to move on to bigger ideas. 

You can get more great money saving tips by downloading "The Ultimate Money Saving Guide" for free.  

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Topics: education, Las Vegas, money saving tips

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