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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

5 Signs It May Be Time for a Roof Replacement

bigstock--131714465.jpgIf you've ever had to part with a favorite vehicle before you were ready, then you know that sinking feeling.





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Tips for Picking Your Home’s Roof Color

Many people are shocked when their bigstock-roofer-builder-worker-with-pul-52436509.jpgLas Vegas roofer pulls out the roofing samples – who knew there were so many color options for your roof? If you’ve never given much thought to your roof’s color before, the number of options might overwhelm you. If you’re struggling to make a decision, these tips can help you pick a roof color that will look great on your house.

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How a Great Relationship with Your Las Vegas Roofer Can Keep Your Home in Tip-Top Shape

good-relationship-with-las-vegas-roofer.jpgThere are certain business relationships that naturally form in life. You trust your hairstylist or barber to make you look your best each time you make an appointment. You've found a mechanic who you trust to always do what's in the best interest of your vehicle's health and well-being. 

So, what about your house?

Your home is arguably one of the most important investments you're ever going to make. Thus, it only makes sense to put it in the hands of expert professionals you can trust.

Naturally, your roof is poised to incur the brunt of Mother Nature's elements, as it does its job keeping your family protected and dry in the home below. Reactive repair and maintenance to your roof can be quite costly, so taking a proactive approach is always best when it comes to keeping your home in tip-top shape.

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Shingle Repairs: Ensuring They Are Ready For Longevity


Your home is your castle, which means your roof is the ultimate crown. It does the job of keeping your family dry while keeping the external elements at bay.

In other parts of the country, natural disasters such as hurricanes and heavy snows make the need for shingle repairs readily apparent. However, just because our Las Vegas climate tends to be pretty neutral and devoid of adverse weather conditions, it doesn't mean your roof doesn't deserve your attention.

Shingle Repairs 101

Shingle roofs last for about twenty years, but the individual shingles often need some love and attention within that two-decade timeframe.

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Golf Course Living: Risks of Roof Damage from a Las Vegas Roofer

las vegas roofer living on golf course.jpgThe size of a golf ball might seem insignificant when compared to the size of a house, but they can cause major damage to your home. While many people who live against a golf course are worried about broken windows, one stray ball can cause significant damage to the roof as well.

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Do you need a
Repair or Replacement?

We can help you to determine if your roof just needs repairs, or if a replacement would be more appropriate. Please fill out the form below.