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Various Types of Insulation and Why Attic Insulation is a Beneficial Option

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Mar 18, 2019 3:55:52 PM

Get attic Insulation from First Quality Roofing & Insulation Today

A well-maintained property can last for decades. Insulation is one key maintenance factor in your home. Proper insulation has an "R-Value", which defines heat-deferral potential.

In addition to greater comfort within your home and reduced energy bills, deferring heat impact through high R-value insulation increases property value. Various types of insulation include:

  • Fiberglass Batts and Blankets
  • Loose-Fill Insulation
  • SIPs
  • Spray Foam Insulation

A Breakdown of Insulation Types and Which One Is Most Favorable

Batts and Blankets
Fiberglass batts and blankets are traditional forms of insulation both common and cheap. If you've ever seen rolls of fiberglass, it's often in "batt" or "blanket" form. Rockwool and cotton are also used as fiberglass alternatives. The big downside to this type of insulation is decreased environmental friendliness, and negative aspects of itchy substances like fiberglass.

Loose-fill Insulation
Loose-fill techniques use varying materials to "fill in" spaces. Oftentimes cellulose is used, as well as fiberglass. Cellulose is essentially paper or wood products – occasionally sawdust.

Structural Insulation Panels, or SIPs, work well and have high R-values, but are much more costly. They're big panels used to insulate a space to exact specifications. They come in materials like polystyrene and often need to be covered with drywall, making the process more complex and requiring longer installation time than other forms of insulation.

Spray Foam Insulation 
Spray foam insulation can cut down on the need for things like caulking. Essentially, the foam is applied wherever insulation is needed. Once applied, it expands to fill the space, creating an airtight seal. Spray foam has the highest R-value and is easy to apply.

Spray foam can stop air leaks and increases structural integrity. There are multiple types of spray foam:

Open-cell polyurethane allows air and water flow, while closed-cell polyurethane doesn't – though it requires a larger layer of foam, typically, six or more inches.

Contact the Experts on Attic Insulation

Given the nature of attic insulation, working with professionals to apply it is recommended, especially if you're insulating larger spaces. The professionals at First Quality Roofing & Insulation will be able to inspect your home for air leaks and apply the needed insulation quickly. Contact us at 702-262-7847 to speak to one of our team members about your insulation needs.

Topics: Insulation, attic insulation, money saving tips, home insulation in las vegas, las vegas home insulation, save money, energy efficient

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