All elements of your home show signs of age over time, including your roof. However, it is not uncommon for one side of your roof to age faster than the other. If you notice significant signs of deterioration limited to a single side of the roof, it could be an indicator of bigger issues.
Reasons Your Roof Is Aging More on One Side

One Side Faces More Direct Sunlight
If one side of your roof receives more hours of intense sunlight than the other each day, there’s a chance you’ll see the damage after a few years. Heat and UV rays will impact every area of your roof, especially the side that receives the most direct exposure.
Structures Are Shadowing One Side
Similarly, one side of your roof may show signs of aging if it is in constant shadow throughout the day. Trees, buildings or other large structures can cast a shadow over your shingles. While this does block some heat and sunlight from hitting the roof, these cooler conditions could allow moisture to settle instead of evaporating quickly. This is especially important if your gutters are clogged or if your roof pools water in spots on the shady side.
Overhanging Trees
Trees hanging over your home can contribute to one-sided roof damage. Falling branches can jeopardize the integrity of the roof. Leaves and debris can clog your gutters. Your roof might see an increase in animal activity as birds, rodents and other critters move between the roof and the tree. For this reason, trees that are planted near your home should be trimmed to ensure they do not affect your roof.
Mold Is Moving from Your Neighbor’s Roof to Yours
Have you noticed fungus growing on one side of your roof? Your neighbor’s roof may be to blame. Mold spores can travel through the air, which means they can easily move from your neighbor’s roof to yours. Left untreated, mold and other fungi can rapidly deteriorate the structure. Mold can also spread into the walls and rooms of your home.
Thankfully, all of these problems can be solved and proactively prevented with proper maintenance. The maintenance program offered from First Quality Roofing & Insulation includes regular inspections and preventative maintenance that preserves the integrity of your roof. To schedule your inspection today, call 702-262-7847 or contact us online.