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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

5 Potential Signs of a Roof Leak

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Dec 23, 2020 1:25:29 PM

A roof leak is one problem no homeowner can afford to have. Unfortunately, this is a common issue, especially in older homes or houses which have poor roofing installation. At First Quality Roofing & Insulation, we want you to be prepared to fix your leaky roof as soon as possible. Keep your eyes open for some potential signs of a roof leak.

Signs You Might Have a Roof Leak

Water Spots Inside

5 Potential Signs of a Roof Leak

Most homeowners spot a roof leak when they find water spots on their walls or ceiling. There are two types of spots: wet and dry. If your ceiling or walls are dripping or moist, that means that water is currently leaking into your home. If your ceiling or walls have dry water spots, it means that water has previously leaked into your home.

Water Spots Outside

You can also spot water stains on your roof or roof decking which may indicate that there’s a roof leak. Even though moisture may not have made its way far into your home, these water stains could mean that your roof leak is causing algae to grow from your exterior to your interior.

Shingle Damage, Decay or Disappearance

While we recommend that you leave roof inspections to the professionals, there are many instances in which you can spot a roof leak by viewing shingle damage from the ground. There are a few issues to keep an eye out for, such as shingles that are distorted, cracked, damaged, or missing. Though shingles will wear over time, they should endure many years without issue. If you see any of these signs or discover a lot of shingle granules in your gutters, your shingles may be causing a roof leak.

Gutter or Flashing Issues

Believe it or not, not all signs of roof leaks are on the roof or ceiling. Leaky gutters can be a sign of a leaky roof; remember, water should only leave a gutter at its exit point. Cracked or loose flashing can also be problematic. Both of these issues can cause water to leak under your roof.

Mold Growth

Even if you don’t spot water stains or any of the other leaky roof symptoms above, you should still be concerned if you notice mold growth in your home. These spores can travel quickly, damaging elements of your home and putting your family’s health at risk.

If you spot any of these signs, give us a call immediately. Roof leaks can cause damage throughout your home that puts the health and safety of your family in jeopardy. Thankfully, these problems can be resolved quickly, especially when caught early. Our roof repair services are second to none and our licensed technicians have the knowledge and skills necessary to restore your roof. Contact us today to learn more about our Preferred Maintenance Program to protect against a future roof leak.

Topics: Repairs, Roof Leak

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