The Las Vegas heat can be oppressive for many of the most popular plants used in more moderate climates, but that doesn’t mean a Vegas homeowner needs to give up on a beautiful yard. Today, we’ll take a look at nine colorful plants that will feel right at home in desert heat, keeping your yard healthy and pleasing even when less hardy specimens would be wilting.
Moss rose
Featuring vibrant green vines and intense flowers blooming in red, lavender, orange, white, and yellow, this annual adores hot, sunny, dry weather that would kill other plants outright.
Cock’s comb
An annual characterized by either plumes of flowers or a crest like a rooster, cock’s comb can add reds, purples, orange, or gold to your yard’s color palette. Variants with reddish-purple foliage are especially prized as a draught-resistant source of color.
Desert petunia
A shorter perennial plant, featuring flowers similar to the typical garden petunia—but without the fragility of that garden favorite. The popular dwarf desert petunia comes in pink, blue, and white colors.
Evening primrose
Another short perennial, evening primrose offers a wealth of options to a homeowner looking for color that can withstand the Las Vegas heat. Three species are known to handle the climate particularly well: the yellow-flowered Baja, the white, pink-tinged tufted, and the pastel pink Mexican. Make sure to take a close look at each to decide which best matches your yard—or invest in a little of each, if you like them enough!
Fairy duster
A taller perennial shrub, the Baja fairy duster is best known for its vibrant green foliage interrupted by bursts of intense red. The vibrant red occurs where the stamens of the fairy duster’s flowers cluster. Care must be taken, as with any shrub, as the Baja fairy duster can become ragged and overgrown without occasional attention.
Yellow bells
Similar to fairy duster, yellow bells are large perennial shrubs with green foliage and bright flowers. Unlike fairy duster, the foliage is of a darker green and the intensely colored flowers are yellow flowers with a trumpet shape.
Coral fountain
Also known as firecracker plant or fountainbush, coral fountains are perennial shrubs characterized by long drooping vines heavy with red flowers. In some specimens, the green of the underlying foliage is almost invisible beneath the weight of red flowers, while in others the two blend together to offer an infusion of both colors to your yard.
Bush germander
A type of mint plant, bush germander offers bright green foliage and spikey bursts of reddish-purple flowers to your yard. An extremely hardy plant, it survives well even in poor soil and harsh sunlight.
Star flower
We end our list with another annual, the star flower. Featuring dark green foliage and clusers of star-shaped flowers in a host of colors, its beauty holds up even when more popular annuals would collapse under the heat.
Remember, keeping your yard beautiful is only half of the battle. A lovely, vibrant yard full of life looks quite different against the backdrop of a worn house with poor maintenance—wild and natural takes on a very connotation when it starts applying to your home’s exterior!
If you need roof maintenance to make your home's beauty bloom alongside your yard, contact First Quality Roofing & Insulation today at 702-262-7847.