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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Why it Pays to Schedule an Inspection for Roof Leaks

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on May 3, 2018 8:52:00 AM


As any experienced and professional roofer knows, a roof leak is serious business. As a homeowner, you should never procrastinate about finding the source of a leak; it always requires immediate repair! Left unattended, even for a short time, water can quickly damage your entire house. Mildew and mold, slips and fall hazards, and serious structural damage are just several of the potentially far-reaching issues that can occur from even a small leak.

Detecting and Repairing Roof Leaks

Las Vegas may have one of the driest climates in the country, but that doesn’t mean roof leaks are rare. Residents are more than familiar with the high winds and searing heat that comes with living in a desert environment. Did you know both conditions can cause serious roof damage? Well, they can, and then when it does eventually rain, water may penetrate the roof and cause interior damage.

When you bring us in to inspect your home’s roof, here’s how we detect any leaks, and a few quick tips on preventing them in the future. First off, we check for visible moisture stains on the ceiling, walls, and corners of rooms, your attic, and the garage. We then determine whether the leak could be caused by a plumbing problem. If not, it’s likely the roof is the leaky culprit.

Then we work to figure out where the leak is located.

  • Does your home have one or more skylights? If they’re older, the seals may deteriorate over time. We check to make sure they’re safely installed and in good condition.
  • The metal flashing in dormers often develop leaks.
  • We inspect areas that have pipes, air conditioning, chimneys, or ventilation stacks that enter through the roof.
  • If there are areas where two roof surfaces meet, we closely examine whether a leak has developed in these “valleys.”
  • Cracked shingles, shakes, or tiles, as well as missing flashing, can allow water to make its way inside. Older roofs often incur damage after years of exposure to harsh weather conditions.

If a leak is detected in any of these locations, First Quality will use advanced roofing products and repair techniques to permanently put a stop to it.

Regular Maintenance to Prevent Roof Leaks

While you may not be able to prevent all roof leaks, investing in a regular roof inspection and maintenance service is cost-effective way to ensure your roof is top-notch condition. And you can do your part, too. Be sure to keep your drainage system clear and free of debris and check to make sure water is being properly diverted away from the house. Regular cleanup, visual inspections from the ground, and calling in a professional roofing company when you spot a problem can all catch potential issues before they become big problems.

Contact First Quality Roofing & Insulation at 702-262-7847 to schedule your appointment today!

Topics: roof inspections, roof repairs, roof leak repairs, las vegas roof repair, roof problems, roof damage

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