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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Prevent the Need for Roof Repairs with Proper Ventilation

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Feb 7, 2018 11:03:00 AM


Your roof needs ventilation so that moisture does not accumulate and damage the rafters, insulation and shingles or trigger a mold outbreak. Avoid the need for roof repairs by allowing your roof to breathe. Proper ventilation is an essential aspect of roof maintenance.

How Proper Ventilation Can Eliminate the Need for Roof Repairs

Roof and Attic Ventilation Achieves Balance Between Hot and Cold

Attic ventilation requires precision. There should be balance between the intake vents, which are installed in the soffit/overhang or near a roof's lowest edge, and the exhaust vents, which are positioned at or near the peak of the roof. This balance encourages cool, dry air to flow through an attic at its lowest point while warm, humid air escapes through the exhaust vents. Ventilation should combat a buildup of heat in the summer and a buildup of moisture in the winter.

Sometimes, achieving an exact balance between intake and exhaust isn't always possible. Since many Las Vegas homes lack proper air intake, installing more intake vents is a good idea. Whether you suspect you need more attic ventilation or are “building out” your attic and are starting from scratch, begin the process by measuring an attic's square footage – the length, width and floor. After this, you can begin to calculate how much ventilation an attic needs to bring it into balance.

Don't Ignore Ventilation in the Winter

Given the intensity of the Las Vegas heat, many homeowners are vigilant about ensuring proper roof ventilation in the summer. However, roof ventilation is just as critical in the winter because the amount of moisture the air can hold in the winter is much lower than it is in the summer. The extra moisture can accumulate and cause rafter, insulation and shingle damage that can necessitate roof repairs.

If you want to avoid roof repairs by ensuring that your roof is properly ventilated, contact us at 702-262-7847 to schedule a free consultation.

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Topics: education, las vegas roofing, las vegas roof repair, roof problems

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