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Roofing Professionals

Prevent Winter Roof Damage With These 4 Essential Tips

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jan 22, 2023 11:01:58 PM

Freezing rain is a sizeable risk factor for roof damage. It poses a concern to flood attics and chink roofs, plus the upper levels of your house. Freezing rain added to excess snow gives rise to ice dam formation on the roof. Such a combination can cause alarming winter roofing damages.


So, look out for ice dam issues during winter months. Once the snow lands on your roof, it tends to pile, thus becoming heavier. Such added weight on your rooftop can create cracks. Moreover, you might also notice the upper-level doors or ceilings beginning to bow.

Such issues, coupled with the threat flooding poses once the snow starts to melt, create the need to take preventive steps to protect your roof in the wintertime. A winter roofing maintenance checklist is key to preventing damaged shingles, among other winter roofing problems.

Need to protect your roof from wintery weather? Here’s a list of tips you need to follow to prevent wintertime damage.

1. Trim Nearby Trees

Far too often, overgrown branches tend to snap or break under a load of fresh snow/ice. Pay close attention to tree branches overhanging your precious home and roof. Dying or diseased branches can easily break—especially under the weight of heavy snow/ice—causing extensive damage to the roof and gutters. On the same note, such branches can also contribute to the formation of ice dams, further adding undue weight to the roofing structure. So, trim such branches to limit their threat to your roof.

2. Clean Your Gutters

If debris builds up in your drainage system, such materials prevent water from flowing unhindered off your roof. This issue can cause the pooling of water on your roof. Water damage subsequently results from such water slowly seeping down into your home.

Cleaning your gutters is part of wintering your roof. Paying attention to this concern averts the issue of gutters breaking or eventually collapsing owing to snow pile up during this harsh season. Failing to take needed steps to limit excess water also raises flooding problems, bringing about significant damage.

Be sure to keep your gutters clear of leftover autumn debris. Plus, leave lots of room at the base of your downspouts for excess water to flow away from the foundation of your building.

3. Remove Snow A.S.A.P.

Do you have any pending repair needs for your roof? Have such pressing matters taken care of professionally. Reaching out to an expert roofing company saves time and money and averts the pain of rushing it when the weather turns bad.

On that last point, roofing work becomes tremendously difficult and dangerous during winter storms. For this specific reason, you will probably have to dig deeper into your pocket for the repairs besides having to deal with delays arising due to bad weather.

Save Money on Repair or Roof Replacement Costs

Winter months can be intensely rough on your home’s roof. But with the proper care, these key structures can serve you well for years. Let our roofing experts ensure you have a solid roof over your head to protect your family from the weather elements. Sit back and relax—knowing your roof is in tip-top shape. Contact our team at First Quality for all your roof inspection, installation, and repair needs today!


Topics: roof damage

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