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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

How You Can Tell if Your Attic Needs Additional Insulation

Get Greater Attic Insulation with First Quality Roofing & Insulation

Most homeowners think about the windows, walls and doors when planning to insulate the home, forgetting that the attic also plays a significant role in the conservation or loss of energy. If your home seems well-insulated, but you are still getting outrageous energy bills, it is time to look at other parts of the house which could be the cause – like the attic. Here, are the benefits that you will get from proper attic insulation: 

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Detecting, Preventing and Fixing Air Leaks with Proper Home Insulation

Detecting, Preventing and Fixing Air Leaks with Proper Home Insulation

Even the smallest of air leaks in your home are a big deal. From garage to attic, they can happen anywhere and represent a serious increase in energy costs. In fact, between 10% and 30% of a home’s typical energy costs can be traced to energy leaks that could have (and should be) sealed. Fixing air leaks doesn’t have to be complicated and sufficient home insulation is a likely solution.

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Important Home Insulation Facts to Know

Find Out if Home Insulation Is Right for You

In Las Vegas, the extreme temperature fluctuations from high to low that often occur between day and night, especially in the winter, can make heating and cooling your home a challenge. Home insulation helps create energy efficiency and keeps your home comfortable no matter what the temperature is outside.

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How Thermal Imaging Can Protect Your Home's Roof

Thermal Imaging from First Quality Roofing & Insulation

Thermal imaging is a technique that’s quickly gaining popularity in the roofing industry. This non-invasive process allows roofers to discover hidden issues with a roof before they turn into much larger, more expensive problems. In other words, thermal imaging gives roofers the opportunity to solve tomorrow’s problems today.

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Keep Calm and Follow These Tips: How to Keep Cool when Your A/C Goes Out

Make Sure You Have Proper Home Insulation This Summer

Las Vegas homeowners are no strangers to the heat of the summer, but we all rely on air conditioning to stay comfortable during the hottest months. On occasion, A/C systems go out and staying cool suddenly becomes your top priority! If your cooling system is out of order, here are a few ways to keep calm and stay comfortable:

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The Research Is in: Your Home Needs More Insulation


According to a recent study, your home doesn't have enough insulation. You may have beefed up the attic a bit, or added blow in insulation to the exterior walls during a previous renovation, but the numbers are in. According to the U.S. EPA, about 90 percent of single-family homes in the United States do not have enough insulation and these homeowners are losing money in energy waste every day.

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