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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

When to Schedule a Roof Inspection

Posted by First Quality Roofing & Insulation on Jul 17, 2018 11:23:00 AM

schedule a roof inspection with First Quality Roofing & Insulation

You know your roof is important; that's obvious. What's not always so obvious is what you need to do to keep your roof in tip-top shape. Like most things in life, homeownership doesn't exactly come with a user manual, and learning lessons the hard way can be costly. A routine roof inspection will help to preserve your roof by enabling a technician to identify and fix any issues before they become major.

3 Especially Important Times to Schedule a Roof Inspection

  1. Immediately After Strong Winds or Hail

Sometimes, the damage done by a storm is extensive; you may notice bald spots on your roof where the shingles blew away, or you might see your gutter hanging from a portion of your roof after large hail knocked it from its location. Conversely, the storm may have affected your roof in ways you cannot see. If left unaddressed, problems resulting from severe weather damage can later cause water leaks, mold and other costly problems. If your home did incur significant damage, you'll need the assistance of a reputable roofing company that's familiar with insurance guidelines. A proper roof inspection will be an essential part of any successful claim.

  1. More Frequently in Full Sun Exposure

Homes in Nevada, where sun exposure is constant, require roof inspections more frequently than areas that aren't subject to significant heat and sun. In particular, cedar roofing and under-ventilation roofs are subject to quicker deterioration when exposed to excessive UV rays, making routine inspections imperative. Twice a year is ideal – fall and spring, when the weather is not too extreme, are excellent times of year to schedule appointments.

  1. When Something Doesn't Look Right

If something doesn't look right, don't wait to schedule a roof inspection. The following are examples of reasons you'll want to call a roofing professional right away:

  • Uneven surfaces in the decking
  • Cracked caulking
  • Missing shingles
  • Damage to the chimney cap
  • Curling, buckling or blistering shingles
  • Pipe vents that are worn or split open
  • Appearance of moss or lichen

Keeping an eye out for these issues will help to ensure your roof is always in good repair. If you do spot any of these signs, schedule a roof inspection right away. Contact us at 702-262-7847 to make an appointment for one of our trained technicians to come out and examine your roof.

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Topics: roof replacement, roof maintenance, roof inspections, roof repairs, roofing company in Las Vegas, las vegas roofing, roof maintenance in las vegas, las vegas roof repair, las vegas roof replacement, roof problems, roof damage

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