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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

The Importance of Understanding Your Roof Repair Contract



Your roofing contract is the key to ensuring a job done to your satisfaction. On the other hand, many homeowners are confused or intimidated by contracts, and aren't sure what they're signing. We want our customers to be comfortable every step of the way, and that begins with understanding the contract. Here's what you need to know before you sign.

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Things You Never Knew about Solar Energy


13 things you never knew about solar energy

You may not think that solar energy is the coolest scientific phenomenon around, but there's no disputing that it's one of the cleanest, most renewable and most sustainable resources in the world.

By harnessing the natural energy of the sun, solar panels can produce electricity to power everything in your home that depends on electricity.

The First Quality Roofing & Insulation team enjoys spreading the word about solar energy – and not only because we install solar systems in homes and businesses throughout Las Vegas. Sometimes, the more you learn about solar energy, the more you may be inclined to harness it for your benefit. Consider:

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5 Signs Your Home Needs Better Insulation

5 signs your home needs better insulation.jpgDoes your home have enough insulation to protect it from the Las Vegas heat? Winter is a great time to check, especially if you have an older home or you’re not sure your insulation is the right R-Level. When insulation is up to code and properly installed, it can make a big difference for your power bill and indoor comfort. But if it’s insufficient or shifts around over time, your home could be vulnerable to everything from drafts and heat gain to pests, leaks, and mold.

Proper insulation helps maintain a protective seal and regulate indoor temperatures. If you notice any of these five red flags in your home, you may need more – or better – insulation to correct the problem:

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We Now Offer Solar Energy Panel Installation!

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Using solar energy to power your home can cut your electric bill by up to 40 percent. What's more, you'll be doing your part to keep the environment clean and provide a healthier Earth for future generations. If you're ready to put that Las Vegas sun to use, let First Quality Roofing help you get it done.

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Tips for Filing a Roof Damage Claim with Your Insurer


In most cases, submitting a claim to your insurance company for roof repairs is a simple process. Making sure you’re covered for the roof damage, though, can take a little work. If you need to file a claim with your insurer, follow these steps to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to

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Which Roofing Materials Are Right for You?


A roof is just a roof, right? Wrong!

Between different shapes, slants, slopes, and substances, the world of roof materials is a vast place where you can easily get lost. Normally, there are one or two materials that are better for your particular roof than any other option. That's all well and good, but without a great guide, you may find yourself in a sea of confusing construction.

Fear not! Our team at First Quality Roofing & Insulation will help you understand which roof materials may be best for you.

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Roof Maintenance: 3 Things You Need to Know


Owning a home is part of the American dream. It can also be one of the most confusing things you'll do in your life. There are so many things to keep tabs on: Which parts need regular maintenance? Who do you hire? How do you know they're doing what they're supposed to be doing

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. Unfortunately, this can also be one of the most neglected parts of a house, as it's rather out of sight and out of mind for many inexperienced homeowners. The truth is -- total roof replacements can be quite expensive, but proper upkeep and regular repair of broken shingles can help your roof live a long, happy, and cost-effective life.

Here's what you need to know about roof maintenance:

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Stop Burglars in Their Tracks with These 8 Simple Tips


It's winter in Las Vegas – a time when many homeowners let their guard down about home security.

In fact, burglars are hoping you will. They may be busier during the summer, but they stay active year-round. The FBI reports that a home burglary occurs in America every 18 seconds. More than 90 percent of the time, the homes are empty, strongly suggesting that burglars “watch” a home before making their move. And they move fast, grabbing what they can and taking off in mere minutes.

Since First Quality Roofing & Insulation works year-round to keep your home safe and secure, we take special pride in helping our customers burglar-proof their homes. These eight simple home security steps should take only minutes to implement:

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First Quality Debunks “Urban Legend” about Winter Thermostat Settings


Some household myths have been around so long and have spread so wildly that they're no longer myths; they've become urban legends. One such legend is that homeowners should not dial down their heat before leaving the house during the fall and winter. The thought is that the furnace will have to work harder to warm your house once you return. The warning is clear: a furnace that works harder will cost you more money to operate, so leave that dial where it is before you walk out the door.

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4 Ways to Know if You Need Tile Roof Repair


Your roof is arguably the most important part of your house. Without a well-kept roof, all other aspects of your home are compromised. There are a number of ways you can tell if you're in need of tile roof repair without subjecting yourself to the dangers involved with crawling around on your roof. Leave the up-close-and-personal inspection to professionals, but do be on the lookout for suspicious activity you can spot from the ground or interior spaces.

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Do you need a
Repair or Replacement?

We can help you to determine if your roof just needs repairs, or if a replacement would be more appropriate. Please fill out the form below.