Home Insulation in Las Vegas and Other Factors that Influence the Amount of Your Electric Bill
Five reasons your home electric bill might be higher than it should be, and how to combat those bills that make you feel sick to your stomach.
Five reasons your home electric bill might be higher than it should be, and how to combat those bills that make you feel sick to your stomach.
If you've ever pressed a cold can against your face, slipped an ice cube down your shirt or even jumped into a pool with your clothes on, you already know that people will sometimes do the darnedest things to stay cool – and most of them involve water.
There's no question that the quality, and quantity of insulation in your attic and walls, contributes to the comfort, and energy efficiency of your home, but which type of insulation is best? In an effort to be more eco-friendly, save money, or avoid certain materials, you may be tempted to explore some creative Las Vegas home insulation solutions, but before you make your final decision, consider all your options carefully to maximize your comfort, safety, and investment.
If your home feels like a sauna in the summer and an igloo in the winter, it means your house and attic are not properly insulated. Not only does this mean are you throwing away money on your energy bills, it also means you are using more energy to keep your home comfortable, increasing your environmental footprint. Installing proper home insulation in Las Vegas comes with numerous environmental benefits.
So you think it's difficult for Las Vegas residents to go a week during the summer without complaining about the intense heat?
It is likely you have heard the term dry rot, but what does it actually mean? In this post, we will be looking at what dry rot is, what type of damage it can do to your roof and how a roof inspection in Las Vegas can best protect you from this common problem.
If you’ve owned your own home for a decent amount of time, you’re most likely on a first name basis with your electrician and plumber. Their services are needed fairly often over the years. But putting a roof on your home usually occurs once or twice at the most. And roofs are built to last – so, unless disaster strikes, they rarely need major repair work. Most homeowners have little experience, then, with hiring a roofing company.
When you find yourself in need of a Las Vegas roofing company, it pays to take your time before hiring to do a little homework.
Operating an air conditioner all day long during Las Vegas heat waves causes expensive spikes on your monthly energy bills. To help you beat the heat and the bills, take a look at these 5 additional ways to stay cool:
A well insulated home is comfortable, and efficient, saving money each month on the cost of energy—but did you know it can also increase your home's value? Whether or not a move is in your near future, every dollar you put in to your home adds to your investment. Some experts suggest increasing your equity by updating your kitchen, or adding curb appeal with new landscaping, but ensuring you have adequate attic insulation in Las Vegas is about more than just looks. As the old saying goes, it really is what's on the inside that counts.
What Are Home Buyers Looking For?
As you know, the Las Vegas area gets its fair share of rain during the beginning of summer - but monsoon season has barely begun. You can expect much heavier rain come August, which means that you'll want to prepare your home's roof by scheduling a professional Las Vegas roof inspection.
We can help you to determine if your roof just needs repairs, or if a replacement would be more appropriate. Please fill out the form below.