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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Don't Listen to Bad Advice About Roof Leak Repairs in Las Vegas


People seem to have a knack for offering unsolicited advice and resolving your everyday problems. There is no shortage of family, friends, even websites, offering you oodles of advice and guidance on what you should or shouldn't do. This is especially true when it comes to general home repairs and maintenance. 

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The Steps of Attic Blown in Insulation in Las Vegas


There are so many great reasons to call for attic blown in insulation in Las Vegas. Blown in insulation makes your home more comfortable both in the summer and winter, improves the efficiency of your HVAC system, and doubles as a moisture barrier. However, to get the most out of this superior type of insulation, it's integral to ensure it's properly installed.

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Relax With a Lemonade as We Replace Your Roofing Tiles in Las Vegas


Most homeowners underestimate the harsh environment of their roof's surface. During the height of summer, the temperature of your roofing tiles in Las Vegas can skyrocket to over 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Some roof tiles are made of materials, such as slate, that can even become too hot to even touch with your bare hand. Additionally, climbing atop your roof during summer can be hazardous to your roof as some materials may become exceptionally brittle and easily damaged by an inexperienced hand.

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Sealing Your Home is Crucial for Energy Conservation


Your grandma, grandpa, mother or father had a point when they issued warnings while the air conditioner was running. All that cool air really was going out the window.

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Selling Your Home? Why A Roof Inspection Is Important

roof_renovation_in_las_vegas_roof_inspection.jpgThe economy is getting back on track, and the real estate landscape is turning into a seller's market.  If you are considering putting your house on the market, it's important to be proactive.  The last thing you want is to find a buyer who loves your home and is ready to sign on the dotted line, only to be hit with last-minute repairs suggested by the inspector.

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When Should I Hire Residential Roofers in Las Vegas?


Sometimes it pays to hire a professional, even if you take pride in your do-it-yourself projects. 

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Check out these Benefits of Blowing Insulation In Attic In Las Vegas


Homeowners today have an exciting variety of energy-saving home improvement options available to them. There's solar panel water heaters and the latest and greatest Energy Star air conditioners. But do you know that if you really want to save money on energy costs and enjoy a more comfortable home, one of the most effective things you can do is have a professional blowing insulation in attic in Las Vegas?

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More Than the R-Value: What You Need to Know About Las Vegas Home Insulation & Air Movement


In choosing the right Las Vegas home insulation you've likely encountered a lot of materials referring to R-Values. R-Values play a significant role in determining how effective an insulation material is at blocking the transfer of heat. However, this number should not be your sole deciding factor when picking Las Vegas home insulation. That's because no matter what brand or R-Value hype your buy into, it won't perform well in a home with air leaks.

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If You Find Broken Roof Tiles, Call a Roofing Company in Las Vegas

roofing-company-in-las-vegas-tile-roofer-in-las-vegas.pngMost people expect their tile roof to last a lifetime, and are often frustrated and confused when they find a roof leak or the scampering of critters caught in the attic. First off, a tile roof can last a lifetime, but not without routine care and maintenance, and certainly not without some minor repairs now and again. This is especially true in areas like Las Vegas where heavy gusts can be upwards of 60 mph and are prone to loosen and blow away a roof tile or two.

It's for these reasons why it's important to have a professional roofing company in Las Vegas on call and to implement the following steps should you find broken roofing tiles on the ground:

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Myths and Misconceptions Insulation Contractors in Las Vegas Want You to Stop Believing


Everyone is familiar with insulation, but they often have some ideas about it that aren’t necessarily accurate.

The following are some common myths and misconceptions that insulation contractors in Las Vegas frequently hear:

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