Lower your electric bill, not your comfort level
No one would suggest that you forgo air conditioning in the Las Vegas heat. But with cooler temperatures finally on the horizon, you probably will be using your air conditioner much less.
No one would suggest that you forgo air conditioning in the Las Vegas heat. But with cooler temperatures finally on the horizon, you probably will be using your air conditioner much less.
At First Quality Roofing & Insulation, we're used to working with many shadows on the wall. But some of these shadows don't come from objects; they come from people – our valued customers who “shadow” us as we go about our work.
A new roof is a significant investment that – when it’s properly installed using quality materials – should last for years. Getting an estimate for a new roof requires a little research, but it’s an important step to ensure that the work is done properly and for the price you expect.
If you live in your home long enough, a replacement is probably inevitable. A sagging or hole-riddled roof can pose a life-safety hazard, not to mention cause damage to the interior of your home.
As fall approaches, it’s the perfect time to take care of a few home maintenance tasks. Many require only a small investment of time and money, and they’ll help keep your home safe, comfortable, and in good condition as the weather changes.
Additional storage space is at the top of just about any homeowner’s wish list. No matter how big your closets may look, there just never seems to be enough room for everything. Finding more storage space is essential if you want to reduce clutter and stay organized. And if your home is on the smaller side, you really have to get creative. If you’re looking to maximize the amount of storage space in your home, here are four creative and hidden storage solutions.
Well-intentioned friends may be warning you “you won't know what to do first” after you move into your new home.
But you know better: after months of thinking, planning, buying, measuring and envisioning, you probably know exactly what you want to do. If you're like many new homeowners, it's a pet project that will instantly bond you to your new home.
Keep telling yourself until you believe it and let yourself off the hook: “I am NOT a bad housekeeper. I just need to be more vigilant in the future.”
With this simple mantra, you will have taken your first step toward banishing mold in your bathroom – for good.
Like many people, you may think the niftiest invention of the 21st century is the cell phone.
But the U.S. Department of Energy would make a strong case for programmable thermostats. The problem is, many homeowners are reluctant to install them because they are uncertain about how the thermostats work.
When you need a new roof, you’ll want to find out what you should know to make the right decisions and make sure the process goes smoothly. From guidance on what color of roofing material to choose to how to prepare for the roofers, First Quality Roofing & Insulation has compiled a free guide containing everything you need to know.
We can help you to determine if your roof just needs repairs, or if a replacement would be more appropriate. Please fill out the form below.