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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

How to Get the Information You Need About Las Vegas Roof Repair

Your roof is one of the most important bigstock-Damaged-Roof-Shingles-Repair-7268829.jpgparts of your home, since it provides vital protection to every part of it. It’s easy to not give your roof much thought – until it starts to develop problems. You’ll then have plenty of questions and will want to get all the information you need to make the best possible decision.

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First Quality Debunks Common Myths About Insulation

home-insulation.jpgLike urban legends, myths often persist because they contain a germ of truth. The problem is that germ becomes the focal point and overwhelms the rational and sensible elements of a statement of fact.

The First Quality Roofing & Insulation team hears many myths about insulation as we visit customers' homes and install quality attic insulation in Las Vegas. Rather than focus on how these fallacies got started, we simply provide the facts and debunk the myths – typical of our let's-get-down-to-business way. The five most common myths about insulation that you, too, may heard are:

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Why People are Talking About Mineral Wool Insulation

bigstock--175254931.jpgIt has been around for decades and though its manufacturing process sounds rough and caustic, it can be downright graceful in its application.

It is mineral wool insulation, "made by melting basalt stone and recycled slag from steel mills and then spinning it into fiber that is formed into batts and boards." It is used in Canada, Europe and China and it show signs of becoming more widely available in the United States. Here's why: 

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Size Up These 7 Ingenious Kitchen Storage Ideas

You can relax; that smoke streaming from bigstock-Well-organized-Kitchen-Interio-94801145.jpgyour kitchen is coming from your heels, not your oven.

When you're on the move at this pace – packing lunches, making dinner and otherwise performing functions of a short-order cook – you know it's the little organizational details that can put more octane in your step. Consider these seven ingenious kitchen storage ideas, all of which require nominal assembly:

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Cool Home Renovation Projects You Can Do Right Now

You don't have to knock down walls to las-vegas-home-insulation-where-your-home-leaks.jpgrenovate your home, and with temperatures in Las Vegas giving you enough to sweat about, who would want to anyway?

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Common Roofing Issues: 5 Things You Need to Know

The importance of a well-maintained roof tile_roofer_in_las_vegas.jpgcannot be stressed enough. This protective layer of your house is responsible for keeping the elements out while keeping comfortable temperatures and healthy air in. Even the best roofs, however, are susceptible to damage over time. It is essential to provide proper, regular care to your roof to ensure durability and damage prevention.

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Your Roof May Be Out of Sight, But Keep Maintenance Top-of-Mind

It local_roofing_contractors.jpgcan be difficult enough to maintain the things around your home that you can clearly see. How are you supposed to maintain your roof, which lies out of your line of vision?

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Best Energy-Efficient Upgrades for Your Older Las Vegas Home

energy_conservation.jpgLiving in an older home offers a lot of history and charm, but it usually comes with its share of higher costs, especially with energy usage. Modern heating and cooling systems are far more energy-efficient than those installed in the “old days,” as are windows, roofs and insulation.

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Monsoon Season is Here; Are You Ready?

Monsoon season descended upon Las bigstock--131087405.jpgVegas as suddenly as the sweltering heat – only this dangerous force of nature requires even more caution and preparation.

First Quality Roofing & Insulation knows full well the damage a monsoon can cause a home. But our customers' safety always comes first. It's always safer to be indoors during a monsoon. But you may be caught off-guard and find yourself on the road when one sweeps through town. Allow First Quality prepare you for both scenarios.

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These Tips Can Make Your House Feel More Spacious

fix_a_leaky_roof_in_las_vegas.jpgMost homes have one: a room that looks small and worse, feels small, no matter how vigilant you are about keeping furniture to a minimum and reducing clutter.

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Repair or Replacement?

We can help you to determine if your roof just needs repairs, or if a replacement would be more appropriate. Please fill out the form below.