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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

4 Things Every First-Time Home Buyer Needs to Know

new-homeowners.jpgWhen you are buying your first home, there is a big mix of emotions -- it's exciting and intimidating all at once. There's a lot of information to sort through, research and understand to ensure you are making the best decision possible for your future.

You may have asked your friends and co-workers for some first-time home-buying advice, but there are still a few secrets that may have been left off the table.

To help you along your journey, be sure to keep these suggestions in mind, too.

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9 Quick and Easy Ideas to Add Curb Appeal to Your Las Vegas Home

Keeping its exterior in tip-top shape addsbigstock-A-perfect-neighborhood-Houses-167769962.jpg to a house’s curb appeal, enhances the neighborhood and gives you renewed enjoyment and pride in the place you call home. Aside from the obvious fixes, like landscaping, pulling weeds and general clean-up, here are nine curb appeal ideas anyone can do to make their home more attractive to passersby.

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Feel the heat? Home Insulation in Las Vegas Can Cool Your Home & Utility Bills.

You might blame the people who attic_insulation_options.jpgdilly-dally as they walk through the door, bringing gusts of hot air along with them.

You can doubt the veracity of your air conditioner, which, if it's at least 10 years old, may not be cooling your home as efficiently as it once did. You can even curse the sun – the origin of your discomfort.

But if you're truly bewildered by why your home feels warmer than usual this year, don't overlook the possibility your home may need an infusion of wall insulation.

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Discover 6 Simple Storage Solutions When you Repurpose With Purpose

Linguistics experts say you should bigstock--174183331.jpg“never say 'never,'” but in all the years First Quality Roofing & Insulation has been in business and all the Las Vegas houses we've worked in, we have never heard a homeowner say he or she has too much storage.

In fact, we often hear homeowners express a wish for more storage, making the best use of the space they have and by using items they already have on hand. It's called repurposing, and First Quality knows first-hand the value of this Las Vegas home improvement skill since we too, must organize the many tools of our trade in the trucks we dispatch to our customers' homes. Here are six simple storage solutions you'll want to put to good use today:

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No Insulation? That's a Problem.

Insulation is just for homes that las_vegas_attic_insulation_depth.jpgexperience cold winters, right? Not so fast! While insulation is usually associated with keeping a house warm, it does just as much to keep your house cool and if you live in Las Vegas, you know that keeping a home cool can be a real problem under the desert sun. Learn why insulation is important in your home, how you can check if your insulation is up to snuff, and how to fix your insulation issues with Las Vegas quality attic insulation. 

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Avert These 5 Home Disasters With These Tips

bigstock-Home-Project-1974158.jpgEveryone knows that people are prone to exaggeration, so how can you tell if someone has truly suffered a home “disaster”? Put their description of the event through a criterion sifter and ask yourself:

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Protect Your Family by Creating a Home Emergency Plan

If you've ever visited a fire department bigstock--125818544.jpgwhen a call comes in – or even watched such a scene on TV – then you know how people move speedily, with purpose and precision. They don't flinch or even hesitate and the explanation can be found in one word: training.

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5 Water-Related Tasks You'll Regret if You Forget

Those people who say “you should go bigstock-Male-Plumber-Fixing-Sink-In-Ki-119469050.jpgthrough life with no regrets” have probably never incurred water damage from an appliance or fixture.

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You'll Regret it if You Forget These 5 Household Tasks


Eventually, every homeowner learns how toprioritize maintenance tasks. And most often, the ones that rise to the top the fastest are the ones we once dismissed as trivial or unimportant.

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How to Keep Your Las Vegas Summer Home Cool – and Your Energy Bills Under Control.

No one has to remind you that some bigstock-Saving-Money-From-Heating-Home-92061596.jpgtriple-digit-temp days lie ahead, so you're always on the lookout for ways to better manage your energy bills.

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