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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

5 Water-Related Tasks You'll Regret if You Forget

Those people who say “you should go bigstock-Male-Plumber-Fixing-Sink-In-Ki-119469050.jpgthrough life with no regrets” have probably never incurred water damage from an appliance or fixture.

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You'll Regret it if You Forget These 5 Household Tasks


Eventually, every homeowner learns how toprioritize maintenance tasks. And most often, the ones that rise to the top the fastest are the ones we once dismissed as trivial or unimportant.

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How to Keep Your Las Vegas Summer Home Cool – and Your Energy Bills Under Control.

No one has to remind you that some bigstock-Saving-Money-From-Heating-Home-92061596.jpgtriple-digit-temp days lie ahead, so you're always on the lookout for ways to better manage your energy bills.

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4 Ways to Repair Your Home While Saving Money

Every house requires a certain amount ofsave-money.jpg repairs and upkeep to keep it in good shape. But although home repair projects may seem like a financial drain, many of them can actually save you money – either when you do the job yourself or by improving the function and efficiency of your home. If you’re looking to find ways to save money while updating your home, here are a few projects you can try.

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Whip Your Summer Home Into Shape With This Checklist

bigstock--150407756.jpgYour Las Vegas summer home probably is a refuge and your home away from home, but it's “funny” sometimes how much it can resemble your home base, too.

This is a good thing, especially when it comes to maintenance. After acquiring so much experience in managing and maintaining your primary home, you're smart enough to know you cannot possibly tackle every project at your Las Vegas summer home at the same time. You have to prioritize projects by urgency.

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Slay Your Air Conditioner's Biggest Enemy – Dirt – In Two Steps

Your air conditioner is probably the most bigstock-Air-Conditioning-Repairman--70043.jpgcomplex piece of machinery you own, next to your vehicle. Despite all it high-tech functions, it responds in dramatic style to small but pesky influences: dust and dirt.

In fact, a big buildup of dust and dirt can cause your air conditioner to stage a form of revolt by shutting down. Many Las Vegas home maintenance tasks invariably come down to cleaning and this one is no different. Attack dirt in two ways to keep your air conditioner running smoothly this summer:

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How to Prevent Weeds From Growing in Your Yard

For every Las Vegas resident who looks bigstock-View-Of-A-Woman-s-Hand-Hoeing--184040173.jpgforward to summer and the prospect of a green lawn, there is another who dreads the reality of the weeds that follow.

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Best Practices for DIY Home Staging

Getting ready to sell your house? You’ve bigstock-Interior-Design-Of-New-Decorat-138341015.jpgprobably heard that some proper home staging, like giving walls a fresh coat of paint, fixing obvious flaws and decluttering, can help you appeal to a wider group of buyers and sell your home more quickly. In fact, staged homes sell about 90% more quickly and realize nearly 20%  more than un-staged ones. Experts estimate that for every $100 a seller spends in staging, they realize $400. In other words, staging is a small investment with a great return!

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Why Remodeling Magazine Says Attic insulation is the Best Investment You Can Make in Your Home

We've never said it's an exciting blown_in_attic_insulation.jpghome improvement project.

And we've never said it's the type of project you'll take pictures of when it's finished and post on social media sites.

But we have said attic insulation is one of the most cost-effective improvements you can make, with the potential to save you as much as 15 percent on your energy bills.

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What You Need to Know About Your Las Vegas Attic Insulation

adding_attic_insulation_in_las_vegas.jpgAttic insulation is usually “out of sight, out of mind,” but it can provide important benefits to help you save money while protecting your home.

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