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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Choosing the Right Windows is all About Location, Location, Location

In real estate, it's all about location, bigstock-A-perfect-neighborhood-Houses-167769962.jpglocation, location--and the same is true when it comes to choosing the right windows for home. 

When buying windows, it's important to consider where your house is located as well as where the windows are located within your house. Both factors can have significant impact on everything from your home's energy efficiency, to comfort and to curbside appeal. 

If you're in the market for new windows, take a look at how the location can and should help determine which windows you buy:

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10 Things You Should Add to Your Cleaning Routine

the-best-way-to-clean-a-mirror-vinegar-solution.jpgYou may disinfect your favorite kitchen sponge in a mixture of bleach and water. Or you may run it through a cycle in the dishwasher. If you're in a real hurry, you might dampen a used sponge before zapping it in the microwave.

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How to Tell If You Are a Frugal Homeowner or a Cheap One

Owning a home can be expensive at save-money.jpgtimes. Saving money where you can is never a bad thing. But, there is a difference between being frugal and being cheap.

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Treating Your Trees Like Part of Your Home

Trees should be part of your home's bigstock--123107651.jpglandscaping.They provide shade that helps cool the house. They offer a focal element in even the smallest yard. They can add a splash of color or blend into the background.

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Inspecting Roof Damage After a Storm

bigstock-Damaged-Roof-Shingles-Repair-7268829.jpgAfter a severe storm blows through Las Vegas, make sure you take the time to inspect your home for any damage. It is simple to check most parts of your home for damage from the ground, but determining if your roof made it through the storm safely requires a closer look.

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7 Ways to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips, trips and falls can happen to bigstock-Slippery-Yellow-Sign-111382811.jpganyone at any age, causing injuries that include broken bones and concussions. With a few preventative steps, however, you can lessen the chances that you and your family members suffer these types of accidents.

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10 Projects to Enhance Curb Appeal

We see this chain of events all the time at bigstock-Attractive-brick-home-and-land-25718777.jpgFirst Quality Roofing & Insulation: Someone calls us to schedule a roof inspection or roof repair and then calls back a few days later wondering if we have any ideas for improving the front elevation of their home.

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Not-So-Secret Cleaning Tips

bigstock-Cleaning-Service-Concept-134558693.jpgIf you've told your children once, you've told them a thousand times: Take your shoes off when you come in the house. But there it is, a nasty, black scuff mark on the vinyl floor in your mud room because somebody forgot the house rule.

Rather than lose your cool, grab a tennis ball from the garage and use it as an eraser to remove the scuff mark from the vinyl. In moments, the mark will disappear – game and set.

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4 Tips for Growing a Lush Yard

Want to make the grass greener on your bigstock-Beautiful-view-on-cute-backyar-113200052.jpgside of the fence? Growing and maintaining a lush yard does take a bit of elbow grease, but these four easy tips will help your yard look better than ever.

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6 Essential Spring Cleaning Tips From a Pro

bigstock-Housewife-Washing-The-Windows--90077612.jpgAt this time of year, she is media ubiquitous – appearing on TV shows and radio programs, in newspapers and magazines and on social media posts across the country.

To anyone who could benefit from spring cleaning tips from someone who has been in the professional cleaning business for nearly 40 years, she is a go-to resource even for home gurus like Bob Vila. You might even call Debra Johnson the merriest of maids, because as the curriculum manager of Merry Maids – the largest home cleaning franchise network in the United States – she is known to scatter dust with a smile.

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