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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Too Warm Here, Too Cold There; Possible Causes and Definite Solutions to Temperature Imbalances In Your Home

bigstock--166278920.jpgFor every time you've been chided for believing that “for every problem there is a solution,” this is your moment of redemption.

If your home is plagued by uneven temperatures – with one room that is too warm while the room right next door is too cool – you are absolutely spot-on: this problem does indeed have a solution.

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Shingles or Tiles – Which is the Better Choice for My Home’s Roof?

One of the most common questions Las bigstock-A-Roof-Under-Construction-Sta-94718018.jpgVegas roofing companies receive from clients wanting to reroof their homes is whether shingles or tiles are a better choice. The truth is both of these materials make an excellent roofing choice; it all depends on what you are looking for in a roof. This comparison will help you make an informed decision about whether shingles or tiles are the better choice for your home’s roof.

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Just what the “roof doctor” ordered: 9 reasons to schedule your annual roof inspection now

If you're the type of person who waits roof_renovation_in_las_vegas_roof_inspection.jpguntil you cannot walk, cannot talk, cannot eat or are doubled over in pain before you go to the doctor, then you're probably the type of person who delays home maintenance tasks, too.

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5 Signs It May Be Time for a Roof Replacement

bigstock--131714465.jpgIf you've ever had to part with a favorite vehicle before you were ready, then you know that sinking feeling.





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Don't Underestimate the Dangers of Roof Leaks

There are certain household problems you can safely ignore, bigstock-Leaking-Roof-Or-Pipe-Burst-7093211sm.jpgat least for a while. No one's life will be in danger. No one's health will be placed at risk. At worst, someone might be mildly inconvenienced by the delay.

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3 Things To Do Before Hiring a Las Vegas Roofing Contractor

There's a lot riding on your roof. ReJWCwXE.jpg.partProducts, equipment, technology and the safety of your employees all depend on a structurally stable roof.

Over time, the weather and everyday wear and tear take a toll on your facility's roof--and that's when it's time to call a Las Vegas roofing contractor. 

While you might be tempted to choose a company based on the lowest bid, you and your business will be better served if you consider these three factors:

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Tips for Picking Your Home’s Roof Color

Many people are shocked when their bigstock-roofer-builder-worker-with-pul-52436509.jpgLas Vegas roofer pulls out the roofing samples – who knew there were so many color options for your roof? If you’ve never given much thought to your roof’s color before, the number of options might overwhelm you. If you’re struggling to make a decision, these tips can help you pick a roof color that will look great on your house.

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Chemical Products Are No Substitute for An Annual Chimney Sweep to Tackle 3 Hazards

At first glance, it may seem like a bigstock--156778583.jpgreasonable way to rid your fireplace of creosote – that black, sticky substance that results from burning wood: You take a chemical compound – a powder or a liquid – and pour or spray it onto a fire. As the fire burns, it supposedly breaks down that residue and minimizes future buildups. And this is a good thing because creosote is highly flammable and only a small amount can trigger a chimney fire.

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Making the Most of Your New Year's Resolution: Saving Money

2017 is well under way, and there are bigstock-Money-Saving-754505.jpgplenty of New Year's resolutions that have been broken by now. The calendar is a great guideline for plans and promises, but thankfully, it's not the end-all-be-all.

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Planning a Move? These Tips Will Help Save Your Sanity and Your Furniture

Moving furniture can be a backbreakingbigstock-Parents-Take-A-Break-On-Sofa-W-170061200.jpg – and furniture breaking! – chore that can leave you more than a little frustrated. The following are some tips that can help make the task easier as you move into your Nevada home or apartment and start planning your Las Vegas home improvements:

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Repair or Replacement?

We can help you to determine if your roof just needs repairs, or if a replacement would be more appropriate. Please fill out the form below.