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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

10 Essential Tasks That Every Homeowner – and Renter – Should Master

There's a reason it's called “know-how”: bigstock-Home-Project-1974158.jpgbecause in a pinch, it really pays to know how to perform certain tasks around the house.

Naysayers will say they don't want to be bothered because they can always hire someone to perform these tasks for them. But you -- being infinitely wiser -- may choose to hire contractors only for major or complex Las Vegas home improvements.

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Spring Cleaning: 10 Tips to Get Your House in Shape


Get out the cleaning supplies and prepare to organize. It's time to start spring cleaning.

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A Full House: What Your Tape Measure's Diamond Means to Your Vegas Home Improvement Project

Nevada is one of those states where bigstock-Measuring-Tape-4909760.jpgcertain shapes have made a home for themselves. You're probably used to seeing plenty of aces, spades, hearts and diamonds on a regular basis, but the Las Vegas Strip isn't the only place where diamonds come by the dozens. If you've ever used a tape measure, you were holding onto a treasure trove of these four-pointed-shapes and you may not have even noticed.

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Ensure Home Safety By Removing Dryer Lint

Dryer Lint

Dryer lint can be a more than an annoying by-product of laundry; it can also be a fire hazard. You may not know that only scooping out the lint trap after every load isn't enough. Ensure your dryer is efficient and safe by adding the below steps to your home maintenance routine.

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How Ice Dams in Chicago Led Me To The Best Las Vegas Roofing Company

'Tis the season to tell heartwarming stories - like the time our family room was transformed into a waterfall because of an ice dam.

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All About Green Roofs

The Empire State Building has one. Airline passengers arriving at the Frankfurt International Airport in Germany are greeted by one. And if the casinos on the strip keep going green, you just might see more of them in Las Vegas.

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Tesla’s Solar Tiles: The Future of Roofing?

Are you one of those who love the idea of solar panels for energy efficiency, but think the panels are an eyesore? Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, is looking to change your mind – and the minds of many other people who think the same way. Musk recently announced his company’s plans to create attractive Solar Roof tiles that would cost about the same or even less than a regular roof. The tiles, made of glass over a photovoltaic substrate, are being designed to generate electricity, last longer, and look better than a normal roof.

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Team Up With First Quality On Your Next Las Vegas Roof Inspection

There's that old saying, known among most homeowners, that "if you take care of your house, it will take care of you."

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Face Your Top 3 Home Improvement Challenges With Confidence


You might be planning to put a new roof on your home in 2017. Or you might be debating whether to add another bathroom or remodel your kitchen in the new year.

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Cool Roofs: The Secret Weapon In The Battle Against High Cooling Costs

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In the battle against summertime sun, your roof is at the tip of the spear. 

With average high temperatures reaching triple digits during the summer months, Las Vegas can feel like an oven. And as the sun's rays bake down on your roof, your cooling costs rise.

But what if you could transform your roof into a shield strong enough to reflect sunlight? What if your roof could actually help cool your home, reduce energy consumption and cut your maintenance costs? 

You can, thanks to "cool roofs." 

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