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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

How a Great Relationship with Your Las Vegas Roofer Can Keep Your Home in Tip-Top Shape

good-relationship-with-las-vegas-roofer.jpgThere are certain business relationships that naturally form in life. You trust your hairstylist or barber to make you look your best each time you make an appointment. You've found a mechanic who you trust to always do what's in the best interest of your vehicle's health and well-being. 

So, what about your house?

Your home is arguably one of the most important investments you're ever going to make. Thus, it only makes sense to put it in the hands of expert professionals you can trust.

Naturally, your roof is poised to incur the brunt of Mother Nature's elements, as it does its job keeping your family protected and dry in the home below. Reactive repair and maintenance to your roof can be quite costly, so taking a proactive approach is always best when it comes to keeping your home in tip-top shape.

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Shingle Repairs: Ensuring They Are Ready For Longevity


Your home is your castle, which means your roof is the ultimate crown. It does the job of keeping your family dry while keeping the external elements at bay.

In other parts of the country, natural disasters such as hurricanes and heavy snows make the need for shingle repairs readily apparent. However, just because our Las Vegas climate tends to be pretty neutral and devoid of adverse weather conditions, it doesn't mean your roof doesn't deserve your attention.

Shingle Repairs 101

Shingle roofs last for about twenty years, but the individual shingles often need some love and attention within that two-decade timeframe.

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Did Santa Leave A Reminder Next To The Cookie Plate? It Could Be Time For A Chimney Sweep


Santa may have left you a note, but then, you know the Big Guy. He had plenty of other things on his plate, and only some of them were cookies.

If he happened to forget, allow First Quality Roofing & Insulation to act as his surrogate: If your chimney hasn't been inspected yet this season, don't postpone making an appointment. You might well need a chimney sweep. First Quality has learned a great deal about chimney safety from both the Chimney Safety Institute of America and the National Fire Protection Association, and so we know: a chimney sweep could save your life.

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Protect Yourself and Your Family Against Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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Its presence hovers near you practically every day, or at least every time you fire up your gas stove to make a stir-fry, turn on the gas stove to pop in a casserole or turn on your gas furnace to keep you warm.

Gas-burning appliances emit carbon monoxide (CO), a poisonous gas produced by the incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels. Gas-burning cars, water heaters, generators, grills and power tools also emit CO, as it is commonly known among health and safety professionals.

Your body can tolerate minute traces of CO. It will revolt when harmful levels of CO are present. More than 400 Americans die each year from CO poisoning while more than 20,000 seek emergency treatment and more than 4,000 are hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Budgeting For A Big Home Improvement Project? You're Probably Savvier Than You Think

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 You might remember the last time you shopped for a car – or rather, the last time you set out to shop for a car.

You set a budget and swore there was “no way” you would exceed it. But once you were at the dealership, you saw that if you spent only “a little more” money, you could buy something even nicer than you planned.

So it was decision time – a time to reconcile what you really needed with what you really wanted and if you could afford to satisfy both objectives.

Budgeting for home improvements follows a remarkably similar trajectory. So if you're feeling adrift, anchor yourself with the knowledge that your experience -- meaning your research skills, persistence and common sense -- will serve you well.

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"Playing With Fire" Can Easily Start A Christmas Tree Fire


Let other people rush the joy of the season if they want to. You know that when you wait until the final days before Christmas to select and decorate a real tree, you enjoy its presence so much more.

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Dessert Ideas for Your Holiday Spread

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‘Tis the season when visions of sugar plums dance in your head, so we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite holiday desserts sure to give you and your guests sweet dreams.

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Cut Celery, Not Corners, With These Holiday Food Prep Tips

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If ever there is a time to take a shortcut in the kitchen, the holidays are it. The turkey is competing for oven space with the ham. Your sautéed green beans are edging out the gravy on your stovetop. And your famous cheesecake is crowding out your runner-up apple pie in the refrigerator.

No one would blame you for feeling harried, but everyone will blame you if someone contracts a food-borne illness because you took a well-intentioned shortcut.

The most trusted roofing company in Las Vegas, First Quality Roofing & Insulation, wants you to raise the roof with compliments, not complaints, over the holidays. So keep your shortcut impulses on a low flame and follow some sensible holiday food prep tips from the experts: the United States Food and Drug Administration.

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Three Easy Ways to Reduce the Heating Bill in Your Las Vegas Home

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Though winter may be relatively short and mild in the Las Vegas area compared to many other parts of the country, the cost of heating your home can add up quickly over the colder months. Here are a few money saving tips that can help you cut your heating bills without sacrificing your comfort:

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Don't Become a Tragic Holiday Statistic!

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More than turkeys, mashed potatoes and green beans cook in most American homes around the holidays. Fires, do, too, making the holidays the most common time of the year for residential fires.

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