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Roofing Professionals

Severe Weather Survival Tips for Families

Severe Weather Survival Tips for Families

Severe weather—no matter in which form it arrives—presents a serious situation. If you're responsible for the safety of someone besides yourself, such as kids, a partner, or aging parents, storms can be even scarier. It's important to have proper plans in place before devastating events occur.

Here are some weather survival tips you should keep in your pocket to ensure your family stays safe:

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Our Fall Home Maintenance List is Like You: Proactive but Efficient

Keep your fall home maintenance list proactive but efficient with these items.

You don't shirk from a home maintenance challenge. But you don't exactly want to spend weekend after precious weekend with a flashlight in your hand and a ladder propped up against the side of your house, either.

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8 Out-of-date Looks You'll Want to Refresh in Your Home

8 out-of-date looks you'll want to refresh in your home

As you live in your home, it’s easy to lets its décor stagnate a bit. After all, you see it every day, so you’re not looking at everything with fresh eyes. You might have some elements that make your home look dated, so by making a switch, you can easily help your décor look fresher and more updated. Look around your home to see if you have any of the following 8 stale elements:

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Can I Install a New Roof Over Existing Shingles?

Install a New Roof Over Existing Shingles

A roof replacement for your home is one of the biggest investments you'll make. Aside from being a major project, it's also essential as your roof has to do the hard work of keeping your family and belongings safe and comfortable no matter what the weather conditions are like. On the other hand, many homeowners wonder if there are ways to cut the cost of a roof replacement, including shingling over an existing roof. Here's what you need to know about whether to tear off your old roof before starting a roof replacement project.

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Tips for Choosing the Best Roofing Contractor

Find the Best Roofing Contractors at First Quality Roofing & Insulation

A properly maintained and insulated roof can save you large sums of money on your energy bill, since trapped heat and humidity can be as damaging as rain. With so much at stake, you need a competent roofing contractor who has experience in both roof repairs and home insulation. Here's how insurance agents and claims experts recommend that you select a roofer from a list that you have compiled:

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Home Improvement Mistakes to Avoid Pt. 4

Avoid These Home Improvement Mistakes

Even if you're not cut out for high-level DIY projects, many homeowners can manage minor repairs in a pinch. Here are a few mistakes to watch out for if you're new to home improvement:

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Home Improvement Mistakes to Avoid Pt. 3

Avoid These 9 Interior Home Improvement Mistakes

Many homeowners take on home improvement projects without fully knowing what they’re doing. Not only can this result in a poorly executed project that they end up needing to pay a professional to fix, it can often cause other issues as well. Watch out for these mistakes when freshening up your interior:

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Home Improvement Mistakes to Avoid Pt. 2

Avoid These Mistakes When Making Home Improvements

When it comes to home improvement projects that will increase curb appeal, it's important that they are done right. Continuing in our series, here are 9 more home improvement mistakes to avoid:

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Home Improvement Mistakes to Avoid Pt. 1

These 9 Home Improvement Mistakes Should Be Avoided at All Costs

Whether you're doing a repair or a renovation, no one wants to be the next Pinterest fail or an example of what not to do. To help ensure your project gets off on the right foot, here are 9 big-picture home improvement mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Issues Homeowners Can Proactively Address Prior to a Home Inspection

Schedule a Roof Inspection with First Quality RoofingHome inspections are used to uncover the true state of your property and to identify any potential issues that need to be addressed, so you can sell your home easily. Limit the number of issues that appear on your inspection report by addressing these common problems in advance:

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