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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Why It Pays To Have A Roofing Contractor Handle Your Solar Panel Installation


Solar panel installation can seem like a complex process. From choosing your panels to having your roof evaluated, there are a lot of people involved. On the other hand, when you choose a qualified roofing contractor to install your solar panels, you'll not only streamline the process, but your overall results will also be better. Here's what you need to know about choosing a roofer for solar panel installation.

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How To Determine If Your Home Has Sufficient Attic Insulation


Regardless of whether or not you've noticed a draft in your Las Vegas home, installing additional attic insulation can make your home more energy efficient and result in savings. Often times, older homes don't have as much insulation than newer ones, and even recently built homes aren't always properly insulated. 

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Weatherize Your Home Before Summer to Save Energy and Save Money

weatherize-your-home-to-save-energy-and-moneyThere's a lot to be said for having the wind at your back – unless, of course, you're standing in your home and realize that the wind is coming from a drafty window.

Consider it a wake-up call to weatherize your home – a two-step process that requires applying caulk and weather-stripping to problem spots before First Quality Roofing & Insulation makes your home airtight with insulation. Spring is the ideal time for such a project, before summer arrives and the hot, outdoor air descends on Las Vegas and wreaks havoc with your utility bills.

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Love Vinegar as a Home Maintenance Cleaner? These Tips Will Make You Love it Even More!


That spray bottle makes you an easy mark. You may even have multiple bottles: one for your kitchen, one for your bathroom and one “floater” bottle that you tote around your home when you're in home maintenance mode.

Let people laugh if they will, but you know: white vinegar is one of nature's most potent cleaners– putting virtually any store-bought (and chemically infested) product to a dirty shame. The acidity in vinegar enables it to cut through dirt, grease, food residue, grime, glue, soap scum and virtually any household stain. It's a world-class glass cleaner, leaving no chalky residue in its wake. And combined with baking soda and a little water, it can assume super-cleaner powers, lifting even red wine and pets' urine stains.

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What Does A Homeowner Need To Do To Prepare For Solar Energy Panel Installation?


Solar panels make a lot of sense. 

They can save you thousands of dollars a month in energy costs, they might make you eligible to earn a tax credit, and they help protect the environment. 

And that's just a few of the benefits of having solar energy panels installed on your house. 

With such an upside, it's no not a surprise that so many Americans are installing solar energy panels on their homes. But solar energy is still a relatively new technology, which means many might think installation is complicated and beyond their reach. 

It's not. 

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Why Homeowners Are Turning to Tile Roofs


People often describe tile roofs as “beautiful,” “eye-catching” and “stunning.” Many have found there is more to these roofs than meets the eye. If you're in need of a roof replacement this spring or summer, consider the following reasons this roofing option is becoming increasingly popular.

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How a Home Energy Audit Can Save You Money


The average U.S. household spends over $2,000 a year on utility bills. A home energy audit helps you battle any energy waste and ensures the systems in your home are operating safely and at peak performance. When you schedule a home energy audit, you’re making a smart choice to improve the comfort in your home while lowering your energy bills. If you suspect your utility costs are too high, a professional energy advisor can help you identify long-term cost-saving solutions.

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What You Need to Know About Landlord Insurance When You Rent Your Home Out


You may decide to rent your home if you’ve had trouble selling it and need to go ahead and move. Or you might have moved into a bigger home or downsized into a smaller one and decided to rent your original home. You may assume that your homeowners’ insurance will cover your former residence. That’s probably not the case, however.

The following are some questions and answers to help you know when homeowners insurance may not apply and when you need to get landlord insurance:

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Size Up the Benefits of Metal - Yes, Metal - Roofs for Your Roof Replacement


People in the market for a roof replacement spot the reddish-orange material on homes throughout Las Vegas, often topping a bay window.

“What is that awesome-looking roofing material?” they want to know when they call First Quality Roofing & Insulation. We sometimes wish we could reach through the phone line and offer an aspirin, such is the usually startled reaction to our answer: That's a metal roof, and it's becoming more popular in Las Vegas as people size up the benefits.

You can, too, as soon as you realize that metal – once the near-exclusive domain of barns and sheds – has made the leap to homes. It makes a fine topper on the Tuscan, Pueblo, Mediterranean, Spanish and Tudor styles that dominate the city's landscape. Metal roofs also outlast other roofing materials, and they are energy efficient and durable, repel outdoor fire and go easy on the environment.

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What to Do when a Tree Falls and Causes Roof Damage


Sometimes it can be a good thing that people have short memory spans. But if you ask the Las Vegas residents whose homes and roofs were damaged by last spring's record-breaking winds, they will tell you to remember 2017 – and take notes.

The storms, which stirred up peak winds of 84 mph near Summerlin, cracked street poles in half, ripped the roofs off homes, overturned 16-wheel trucks and uprooted trees, sending them crashing into homes. Caught off-guard, the affected residents learned the hard way what to do when a tree falls onto their home. But you don't have to – if you follow the action steps they learned with the team that helped them repair the roof damage: First Quality Roofing & Insulation.

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