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Your Las Vegas

Roofing Professionals

Why Should You Care About Roof Maintenance?

Why Should You Care About Roof Maintenance

When caring for your roof you'll likely run into all kinds of issues along the way. Gunk and other debris will form, especially if you do not schedule regular roof maintenance. We recommend having your roof cleaned, maintained and inspected professionally at least once a year (if not twice, depending on your property).

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Composting 101: It's Easier Than You Think!

Composting 101

Earth Day is right around the corner, and many people are taking the opportunity to start thinking about doing their part to take care of the planet. While reducing your plastic use is usually the first thought, composting kitchen scraps is actually one of the most effective ways to reduce waste.

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Top 5 Tips to Prevent Roof Damage from Birds

roof damage from birds

Once again, spring is here. The weather is warmer, the air is fresher, and the scenery is magnificent.

Everybody loves spring, and so do birds. Las Vegas, which lies on the North American Flyway, provides a temporary home for millions of birds every Spring as they migrate North for summer. While their sweet songs and colorful feathers are a welcome sight for many, birds present a big problem to homeowners.

Bird droppings and nests can cause severe roof damage if left unchecked. Here are 5 ways of keeping these guests at bay during spring.

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Protect Your Pipes by Steering Clear of These Trees

Follow These Planting Tips to Keep Your Underground Pipes Safe

It's well-known that trees growing too close to a house can pose a threat to its roof, but what many homeowners don't consider is that trees can be hazardous for their underground pipes as well.

As a tree grows, its root system expands. Over time, it can potentially become entangled with water or sewer pipes underground. However, many trees have particularly aggressive roots which can make their way into pipes surprisingly quickly. If a tree's roots do damage important pipes, it's going to be very costly to fix. Here are some of the most important trees to avoid:

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Various Types of Insulation and Why Attic Insulation is a Beneficial Option

Get attic Insulation from First Quality Roofing & Insulation Today

A well-maintained property can last for decades. Insulation is one key maintenance factor in your home. Proper insulation has an "R-Value", which defines heat-deferral potential.

In addition to greater comfort within your home and reduced energy bills, deferring heat impact through high R-value insulation increases property value. Various types of insulation include:

  • Fiberglass Batts and Blankets
  • Loose-Fill Insulation
  • SIPs
  • Spray Foam Insulation

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Safety Precautions and Tools to Use When Removing a Broken Lightbulb from Its Socket

Remove Broken Lightbulbs from Their Sockets Quickly and Safely with These Helpful Tips

Who hasn’t accidentally broken a lightbulb while trying to remove it from the socket? Next time you replace a broken or burned-out bulb, here are some simple, effective tools you can use to safely remove the base that’s stuck inside the socket:

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How the Sun Affects Your Roof - Pt. 1

prevent roof damage from the scorching Las Vegas sun

You wouldn't be the only homeowner who assumes that summer storms and Las Vegas's infamous monsoons pose the biggest threat to your roof.

And it's true: roof damage can be caused from torrential rains, flash flooding and frequent lightning strikes. But when it comes to Enemy No. 1, make sure you have your shades on. The scorching Las Vegas sun poses the most serious threat to your roof in three ways – and First Quality Roofing & Insulation wants to ensure you know how to protect it in the first of this two-part series.

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Tips to Knock Out Your Home Maintenance To-Do's in a Flash

These Tips Will Help You Finish Your Home Maintenance Checklist Quickly and Easily

Home maintenance: such an important responsibility yet one that can be easily overlooked. If you're like many homeowners, you know how fast your to-do list can grow as the months pass by. Thankfully, there are a few simple tricks you can use to complete these tasks quickly and effectively. Here are five helpful tips that will prepare you to knock out your home maintenance to-do’s in a flash:

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Set the Proper Mood by Choosing the Right Colors for Your Home

First Quality Roofing & Insulation Will Help You Choose the Right Colors for Your Roof

The colors you choose for your home will have a direct impact on your mood and will dictate how other people feel in your home. If you’re trying to sell your home, this can influence the decisions of potential buyers. Additionally, if your exterior color scheme vastly differs from others in the neighborhood, it could impact how your property is listed among realtors. Because of these factors, it’s important to keep the following in mind before choosing interior and exterior colors for your home:

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Major Indicators of an Electrical Problem in Your Home

Call an Electrician If You Notice Any of These Conditions in Your Home

Approximately 2,000 electrical fires occur in homes across America every month. These are typically caused by faulty wiring, cords, plugs, lighting fixtures, surge protectors, and meter boxes, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. However, a fire can be prevented by heeding these signs of an electrical problem:

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Repair or Replacement?

We can help you to determine if your roof just needs repairs, or if a replacement would be more appropriate. Please fill out the form below.